To take and, where appropriate, despatch laboratory specimens including blood, urine, swabs and other diagnostic tests as required by GPs. Making sure they are ready for collection by the designated collection time, or alternatively storing them in the fridge for next day collection. Setting up the ECG machine to take ECGs and making sure that they have been analysed by a GP. To advise patients on health care, minor ailments, health promotion and illness prevention. To undertake basic wound care and suture/clip removal, assisting the nurses. To undertake NHS Health checks To undertake Long Term Condition reviews - such as diabetic reviews. To maintain high standards of tidiness, hygiene and safety in the use of all equipment and areas of work, in line with the Practice Health and Safety policy, Infection Control Policy as well as all other Practice policies and procedures. To undertake any additional duties as may from time to time be deemed necessary, including working across sites. To liaise with and communicate effectively with other members of the Primary Health Care Team.