Provide clerical support for call and recall of patients for: o Blood tests o Medication reviews o Long Term Condition management o Cytology including non-attenders o Pathology results o Immunisation recalls o Cancer care reviews o Depression reviews o High Risk drug monitoring Manage and log daily requests for online patient access, Firearms and GP Reports and subject access requests. Prepare records as required ensuring appropriate consent and authorisations are in place. Assign to appropriate GP and ensure requests are completed in a timely manner to be presented to Admin and IT Manager for sign off and release. Responsible for sorting incoming mail and distributing as well as franking and posting outgoing mail. Support administration team with copying, scanning, laminating, shredding of confidential information and batch mailings. Provide clerical and administrative support to the Practice Managers. Support Admin and IT Manager with creation and management of meeting schedule, invitations and communications for meetings and room preparation ahead of meetings. Support Admin and IT Manager with organisation and delivery of mandatory training. Support Admin and IT Manager with notification of practice closures. Support addition of clinical rotas to clinical system ensuring accurate and up to date templates are used. Develop over time to take a more active role in dissemination and planning of clinical rotas. Liaising with Lead Nurse and Admin and IT manager, ensure all Patient Group Directives are appropriately signed by relevant clinicians and both document and signature sheets are saved and filed electronically keeping the database current. Tidying of patient notes in preparation for summarising. In time undertake training in medical terminology in order to support summariser/coders with highlighting and adding clinical information to medical records. Undertake any other duties as may be deemed appropriate to the role