This Job Description is a guide to the nature and main duties of the post as they currently exist, but it is not intended as a wholly comprehensive or permanent schedule and it is not part of the contract of employment. To reflect changing needs and priorities, some elements of this post may be subject to change and where required, any appropriate communication or consultation with the post holder will be undertaken prior to making any changes. Equality and Diversity It is the responsibility of every member of staff to understand the PCNs equality and diversity commitments and statutory obligations under current equality legislation including the Equality Act 2010 and to: Act in ways that support equality and diversity and recognises the importance of people's rights in accordance with legislation, policies, procedures and good practice. Valuing people as individuals and treating everyone with dignity and respect, consideration and without prejudice, respecting diversity and recognising people's expressed beliefs, preferences and choices in working with others and delivering appropriate services. Recognise and report behaviour that undermines equality under Practice policy. Be consciously aware of own behaviour and encourage the same levels of behaviour in colleagues. Acknowledge others' different perspectives and recognise the diverse needs and experiences of everyone they come into contact with. With the support of the PCN Manager, develop an equality and diversity objective through the personal development review process. Health and Safety The post hold will assist in promoting and maintain their own and others health, safety and security as defined in the PCNs Health and Safety Policy, to include Identifying the risks involved in work activities and undertaking such activities in a way that manages those risks. Making effective use of training to update knowledge and skills. Reporting potential risks identified. Infection Control All staff have both duty and responsibility to avoid and prevent the spread of infection as a consequence of any actions or activities they are carrying out during the course of their duties. The post holder must Take all reasonable care to minimise the risk to service users, colleagues and members of the public (including themselves) of healthcare-associated infections. Co-operate with the PCN in ensuring that all statutory and mandatory requirements are complied with- in particular, compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections. Be knowledgeable of and compliant with, the PCNs infection control policies and procedures, which includes attendance at mandatory training. Data Protection It is a requirement of employment within Leek and Biddulph PCN that all staff must comply with the obligation of confidentiality to personal identifiable information. The Data Protection Act 1998 safeguards the handling of information held in both electronic and manual filing systems and it is the duty of all staff employed by the PCN to uphold the principles of the Act. Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires all public organisations to provide any member of the public, upon receipt of a written request, with the information they require, subject to certain exemptions. Every member of staff employed by Leek and Biddulph PCN must take responsibility, in conjunction with the PCN Manager, for any request for information that they receive and respond in line with the PCN Freedom of Information Policy and guidance. General Clause This job description is not intended to be exhaustive but to indicate the main responsibilities of the post and may be amended from time to time after consultation with the post holder.