The main duties include day to day care of in-patients on the wards, clerking, planning investigations and management, attendance at out patients clinics and communication with colleagues in general practice. A Trust induction is organised on commencement. Local inductions take place at time of each rotation. There are weekly departmental clinical meetings, monthly clinical governance meetings and a weekly programme of protected time topic teaching provided for Junior doctors. The post is not formally recognised for training but does provide comprehensive education in the care of the patients. The experience available provides a thorough grounding medicine, suitable for those training for careers in hospital medicine or in general practice. Clinical work will be on the medical Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) unit. The post holder will participate in the assessment and management of patients who are referred by the emergency department, primary care, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and other sources. They will also be expected to provide support to junior medical staff, advanced practitioners and the wider Multidisciplinary Team working on the unit. Consultant supervision will be available at all times. Alongside the clinical work the post holder will have the opportunity to contribute to development of the acute medicine service and the wider UEC CBU through the Urgent Care Improvement Program. This is one of the key improvement work-streams for BTHFT, which will give the post holder the opportunity to work at a senior management level with exposure to some wider system collaboration. They will be able to take a leadership role driving changes in the service as it develops to be able to deliver high quality care which meets the standards set out by the Royal College of Physicians. There will be designated time allocated for this aspect of the job. This will be under the supervision of the Clinical Director of Urgent and Emergency Care CSU, with support from the service improvement team.