Classification: OFFICIAL JOB DESCRIPTION 1) Post Details Directorate: People Services Grade: Soulbury 24-27 Department: Learning, Inclusion and Skills Post Reference No: N/A Division: Learning, Inclusion and Skills Date: November 2024 Version: 1 Job Title: Head of SEN/D Improvement and Quality Assurance (permanent ) 2) Purpose of Post · Deliver value for money for the people of Derby through the effective design and delivery of the service. · To ensure that customer needs are reflected in facility programmes and service plans to secure improved outcomes for stakeholders. · To contribute to the achievement of corporate objectives through effective leadership and management. · To lead the service described in the post details. About the role The role will work across the education sector to raise standards and increase inclusion. It’s a high-profile role reporting to the Director of Learning, Inclusion and Skills working closely with the Head of Inclusion Services. This role will provide leadership and capacity in developing effective SEND and SEN support in all education settings; developing the capacity of the workforce and establishing a curriculum offer in mainstream and in additionally resourced provisions. This essential activity will underpin the shift to meeting the needs of children earlier ensuring that EHCPs are applied to meet complex needs. Additionally, the role will lead on monitoring, challenging, and supporting all education settings on the provision and effectiveness of SEN support and SEND incorporated within an EHCP or prior to an EHCP. The role will provide assurance that the plans in place meet children’s needs, and that resources are being used effectively across education settings. The role will lead new pilots and innovation, to address needs. The role incorporates the mentoring and coaching of existing staff across the Inclusion, Learning and Skills department and more broadly across People Services, wider council services and partner organisations. It’s a pivotal role in shaping and embedding a new culture towards SEN and support for young people with additional needs across the Local Area and supporting the management of the High Needs Block deficit. It will work across all services – health, education and care. 3) Supervisory Responsibilities To whom: Director of Learning, Inclusion and Skills For which employees: Employees engaged to deliver the services and functions attached to this service. 4) Key Responsibilities A Head of Service is responsible for the effective operation of a service and corresponding corporate objectives. They will also be responsible for contributing to the realisation of corporate change initiatives and leading change as it impacts on their area of the service. They are responsible for ensuring the “Team Derby, Working Smarter and Better Together” principles are a reality for their area of responsibility. 5) Leadership Accountabilities and Expectations A Head of Service at Derby City Council is designated a ‘Tier 3’ leader and will be required to demonstrate the behavioural competencies outlined in the Leadership Accountabilities and Expectations, see Appendix 1. 6) Core Work Areas: 1. To be ambitious for Derby. To place customers at the centre of the operation of the service and anticipate customer needs and expectations. 2. Establish a culture that delivers results though continual improvement and organisational development. 3. To lead and manage a positive climate for partnership working and where appropriate, commissioning, in order to learn and gain from the network of stakeholders in the private, public and voluntary sectors. 4. To be responsible for service design and performance management for their service and corresponding strategic priorities through clearly defined outcomes and key objectives. This will include setting short, medium and long term performance and quality targets for:- · Asset and resource management- accountable for all financial outcomes of their service and other assets · People – to add value to the talent of the organisation through workforce development and performance management · Risk - to ensure the effective development and management of risk and business continuity strategies within their services and corporate objectives. 5. To develop and build an excellent reputation for Derby and the City Council by: · Acting Corporately; ensuring that all action within their allocated service accords with Council policies and strategic priorities and relevant statutory and governance requirements · Demonstrating community leadership through partnership building · Supporting the Council’s emergency planning, critical incident and service response arrangements through participation in out-of-hours call out and management cover. 7) Service Specific Responsibilities: · In conjunction with the Director of Learning, Inclusion and Skills and working alongside the Head of Inclusion, provide strategic Local Area wide capacity for improving outcomes/life chances for CYP 0-25 with additional needs, SEN support and SEND. · Developing, promoting and maintaining strategic and operational links with all education settings, including PVI and nursery early years provision, trusts and FE along with health and social care provision. · Lead the strategy for monitoring, challenge, support and intervention for SEN in early years settings, schools, alternative provision and further education. This will include management of the following services: 1. Strategically manage, develop, commission or broker the delivery of high-quality SEND CPD programmes as required to schools, including governors, teachers and other staff; 2. Curriculum and provision mapping at early years, school, FE and enhanced resource provision. 3. Development and piloting of an early years multiagency SEND intervention hub. 4. Assurance oversight of the quality and impact of education, health and care plans, SEN support provision, and alternative education provision and the effective use of DSG resources, across PVI’s, Trusts and LA schools. 5. Leadership on the delivery of whole school SEND working with trusts and LA schools 6. Coaching and mentoring of all LA staff on SEND delivery. 7. Quality assurance of LA SEND processes, plans, impact assessment and improvement of the graduated approach and associate guidance 8. Oversight of the implementation of enhanced resourced provisions ensuring effective teaching and learning 9. Oversight of inclusive environment use of capital spend. 10. Manage the STEPs team, and provide oversight, coaching and mentoring of PACE and associated teams in relation to the quality of SEND in education settings. 11. Management of new Intervention First Team (due on stream in September 2024) 12. Preparation for SEND Inspection, leadership and providing capacity on quality and impact. 13. Manage the SEND statutory team for early years and statutory school aged children 14. Develop the statutory service as an assurance and quality team 8) For Completion by Successful Candidate I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this Job Description and accept that the responsibilities attached to the post are as indicated. Signature: Date: Print Name: Classification: OFFICIAL Page 1 of 6 Classification: OFFICIAL APPENDIX 1 Head of Service Accountabilities Expectations Service Outcome and oversight Delivers on outcomes to the agreed standards. Delegates and empowers to enable teams to deliver. Has a clear oversight of challenges and operational issues and implements solutions in partnership with Team Managers. Political Nous Understands the constitution in relation to their role and service and the restrictions during election periods. Understands the role of Members and their motivations and is clear about the level of influence and processes that should be adhered to, ensuring healthy relationships between the Paid Service and Political Stakeholders. Development Maximises teams and own strengths and potential. Ensures development objectives and plans are in place to support succession planning and personal development. Has a focus on their own self-development. Council Values Is a corporate strategic thinker with a focus on ensuring a positive employee experience as a consequence of their impact and actions and is visible and accessible. Works with integrity and authenticity, is a role model for the Council’s values, motivates and engages colleagues. A positive thinker who creates a sense of psychological safety for their teams, is accessible, provides regular feedback and encourages workforce engagement opportunities with a focus on wellbeing and development. Practices self-care. Communication Has a consistent and clear approach and ensures all individuals and teams understand corporate messages and the role they play in delivering the Council’s vision and priorities. Actively listens with dignity and respect. Risk Management Uses insight to reflect on and analyse the service, recognises risks and opportunities early, considers options and decides on appropriate measures and when calculated risks are appropriate. Escalates risk concerns to Directors. Understands the risks and complies with process and policy e.g. Risk Register, Health & Safety, Data Protection & Information Security and FOI requests. Complies with all internal compliance and governance processes and external legislation which applies. Balanced Budget/Financial Acumen Monitors and controls budget spend at service level and uses resources effectively to deliver outcomes in a creative and effective way. Understands and adheres to the scheme of delegation. Ensures contracts are managed in line with Contract Management Standards and encourages a commercial approach with their teams. Planning and Direction Looks for opportunities to use expertise, experience, and insight to influence strategic decision hearing the customer voice to shape and deliver plans. Creates and monitors business plans in partnership with Managers aligned with the Council Plan. Uses influence and advocacy for partner and professional support needs. Adopts good project management and programme practice for complex pieces of work. Collaboration Seeks opportunities and is open to working collaboratively across the organisation with colleagues, partners, and stakeholders to deliver the best service for Derby Continuous Service Improvement Continuously challenges and improves services using a solution focussed approach that reduces bureaucracy and obstacles, maximising the potential of new technology and innovative approaches whilst being mindful of Council Plan outcomes e.g. climate change and empowered workforce. Service decisions Makes insight led and timely service decisions in collaboration with Directors and partners that can be evidenced. Is empowered to constructively challenge decisions and to say “no”. Classification: OFFICIAL 6 The role will work across the education sector to raise standards and increase inclusion. It’s a high-profile role reporting to the Director of Learning, Inclusion and Skills working closely with the Head of Inclusion Services. This role will provide leadership and capacity in developing effective SEND and SEN support in all education settings; developing the capacity of the workforce and establishing a curriculum offer in mainstream and in additionally resourced provisions. This essential activity will underpin the shift to meeting the needs of children earlier ensuring that EHCPs are applied to meet complex needs. Additionally, the role will lead on monitoring, challenging, and supporting all education settings on the provision and effectiveness of SEN support and SEND incorporated within an EHCP or prior to an EHCP. The role will provide assurance that the plans in place meet children’s needs, and that resources are being used effectively across education settings. The role will lead new pilots and innovation, to address needs. The role incorporates the mentoring and coaching of existing staff across the Inclusion, Learning and Skills department and more broadly across People Services, wider council services and partner organisations. It’s a pivotal role in shaping and embedding a new culture towards SEN and support for young people with additional needs across the Local Area and supporting the management of the High Needs Block deficit. It will work across all services – health, education and care.