3 monthscontract with a LocalAuthority
Ourvision for the service is that children and young people are safecan overcome difficulties and can form secure relationships throughtheir childhood and into their adulthood.
Asa Young Persons Adviser you will be responsible for working withcare experienced young people whilst maintaining the focus onsafeguarding. You will work directly with young people and theirfamily or carer to build empathic purposeful relationships thatfacilitate meaningful and sustainable change as well as stabilityin placement and permanency for children.
Youwill share and exercise the organisational practice ethos whichplaces Motivational Practice and traumainformed practice at theheart of working with families. You will be ambitious for everyyoung person to reach their potential in all aspects of theirdevelopment including education health and emotional wellbeing from025.
Manage thespecific set of tasks relating to statutory case responsibility forcare experienced young people in need of help and protection and inpublic care with the support of an appropriately qualifiedsupervisor. To develop a culture of traumainformed practice thathelps to improve the quality of relationships with children andyoung people through MotivationalPractice.
Tocontribute to the developing culture of trauma informed practicethat helps to improve the quality of relationships with childrenand young people through MotivationalPractice.
Todeliver an efficient and effective leaving care service to youngpeople that supports the outcomes of The Children and Social WorkAct 2017 Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989in line with local and nationalpolicies.
Toassess risk and devise multiagency plans for young people whilstworking closely with their professional network parents and/orcarers.
Improve outcomesfor children and young people by supporting them to come to termswith their losses experience reparative parenting establishmeaningful relationships and by promoting their education trainingand employment opportunities to enable them to lead fulfilling andsuccessfullives.
Todevelop your skills as a practitioner through engaging with thesupport services available to you including training workingclosely with the embedded clinicians individual reflective andgroupsupervision.
Work with theprofessional network to identify permanent placements for all youngpeople at the earliest possible opportunity ensuring that the rightsupport is offered at the right time. The ultimate goal being tosupport our young people to secure independence as and when theyare assessed to be ready to doso.
Experience ofworking with young people children and/or their families isessential.
Experience ofrelevant legislation national standards policy and practiceincluding current issues in safeguarding and the provision ofleaving care services isessential.
Arelevant vocational qualification at least to NVQ4 isessential.
Additionalinformation tonote:
Working hours:35 hours perweek.
Registrationand good standing with the Social Work England as well an EnhancedDBS & barred list check (Child & adult) is requiredfor this role.
Therole closes soon please applyASAP.
As a Young Persons Adviser you will be responsible for working withcare experienced young people, whilst maintaining the focus onsafeguarding. You will work directly with young people and theirfamily or carer to build empathic, purposeful relationships thatfacilitate meaningful and sustainable change, as well as stabilityin placement and permanency for children.