This post is for Clinical Teaching Fellow (CT1-2 equivalent) in Emergency Medicine. The appointment is based at the Luton & Dunstable University Hospital with honorary status at University College London. The latter entails liaison with undergraduate teaching at UCL and attendance at study days. The post holder is responsible for developing and supporting education and training of all University College London Medical School final year trainees within the Emergency Department. This means being the first point of contact and supporting education in the department. The postholder will be accountable to and will report to the Departmental Undergraduate Lead who in turn will report to the Undergraduate Director should there be any issues. Candidates will be expected to maintain their clinical skills by undertaking approximately 50% of the role within an educational post in order to retain credibility and support the activity of the department. The postholder will continue to develop their clinical skills in line with their career path. The successful applicant will be welcome to take locum payment for extra work undertaken in the department and will be paid at the level they are performing at. Key Duties and Responsibilities; Assist the final year team to integrate, assess and deliver the final year curriculum in the Emergency Department. Assist in organisation and delivering of Mock and Final assessments. To lead departmental teaching programme at undergraduate level and to the departments research and/or other activities related to education. Assist the Lead for Undergraduate Education in Emergency Medicine in the delivery of education to UCL final year medical students. This also includes the development and delivery of mock OSCES and final MBBS examinations and providing a dynamic and interesting curriculum whilst in the emergency department. Assist in training the trainers in the Trust. Deal directly with routine enquiries and ensure that messages and/or in-depth requests are notified to the appropriate member of the team. Act as faculty member for simulation sessions for final year medical students in the ED. It is expected that the postholder will be flexible, professional and cooperative with the evolving needs of COMET. It is expected that the candidate will take on a quality improvement project related to the Emergency Department educational programme whilst in post. Objectives of the Post Support will be offered for the completion and submission of at least one piece of educational research for publication should the candidate wish to do this. Creation and delivery of teaching resources to support medical training. Supervision and support of junior doctor led teaching of undergraduates at the Trust. Developing a wide-ranging educational portfolio to lead to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Funding is available for a PG Certificate in Medical Education. Develop teaching material and enhanced learning within the Multi Skills Laboratory Study and Training The post is not recognised for postgraduate training by the Royal College of Physicians. Study leave allowances are as set out in the Terms and Conditions of Service. Personal Development Plans You will be given a PDP folder by the Medical Centre staff which you should discuss with your educational supervisor at the beginning of your post. Qualifications/Experience Required for Appointment The appointee will have MBBS or equivalent medical qualification, a Certificate of Completion of Basic Medical Training or equivalent and must have at least 2 years post-graduate clinical experience in the UK, with completion of Foundation Years (or equivalent) and at least 4 months experience working in Emergency Medicine. You are required to comply with the standards set by the General Medical/Dental Council. A breach of such standards may lead to action by the Trust independent of any action taken by the GMC/GDC. Any breach would be investigated fairly and appropriate steps taken to prevent a recurrence and address any wider causes. Clinical Governance and Audit There are monthly M&M meetings in the ED where audits and clinical governance are also discussed. An audit programme is also well established, and juniors are encouraged to present audits at these meetings. Emergency Department Teaching / Personal Development The department receives trainees at a variety of levels from Foundation Year level 2, GP training, ACCS, and EM higher specialty training (ST3 - ST6). They are supported by non-training grade doctors at both junior clinical fellow and specialty doctor levels. The ED has Consultant presence on the shop-floor from 7.30am to 11.30pm 7 days a week, allowing for adequate senior supervision and shop-floor teaching, providing opportunities for training and completion of workplace based assessments. Overnight there is an experienced senior staff specialist or registrar level doctor present who supervises the junior team members and supports the management of the shop-floor. There is a comprehensive rolling departmental teaching programme with teaching sessions every weekday for all doctors (both training and non-training grades), to reflect the variety of training needs. This includes teaching sessions focused on membership exam preparation. The rota includes protected personal professional development time for all doctors regardless of training status. The Trust holds a weekly Grand Round meeting, and monthly Schwartz Rounds. The hospital runs regular ALS courses and Simulation days. The post is not recognised for postgraduate training by the Royal College of Surgeons, Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of General Practitioners or the Royal College of Emergency Medicine but study leave is available, and may be applied for with the consent of the supervising Consultant, Clinical Director and the Director of Medical Education. Study leave allowances are as set out in the Terms and Conditions of Service and currently up to 30 days per year and up to £600 may be applied for. Study leave will not be granted during night duty. The post-holder will be encouraged to maintain a portfolio of workplace based assessments and supported in the completion of these. Each doctor will be allocated a consultant clinical supervisor with whom they will meet regularly to develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP). Continuing Professional Development is encouraged and study leave will be granted to attend courses that are deemed relevant by your clinical supervisor. The Trust offers support in appraisal and revalidation for all doctors. The department is consistently rated highly by trainees in the national GMC Trainee Survey for the level of support, training and amount of experience gained. It is a popular choice of rotation for EM higher specialty trainees. Previous clinical fellows have had an almost 100% success rate in gaining entry to their specialty training programme of choice after working in the ED. The ED welcomes medical students from the University College London (UCL) and the students work closely with the ED team. The ED also welcomes trainee PAs from the University of Hertfordshire. Luton Hospital has always been renowned for its friendly atmosphere and good working relationships. The Hospital has an excellent track record of financial and senior executive stability. The Trust has University Hospital status which provides an academic environment to the hospital. In addition to postgraduate training, we welcome medical students from the UCL Medical School throughout the year and by arrangement with the medical school provide a programme of clinical placements to support their education. We have an excellent reputation for junior staff training. Within the Centre of Multi-Professional Educational & Training (COMET) is the Medical Education Department, the library including an IT suite, and the Training & Development Department. The main aim of the Medical Education Department is to promote postgraduate and continuing medical education and training for all doctors and dentists. The Hospital actively promotes career development and progression for all staff. The Hospital has excellent access to the surrounding areas with easy access to central London and the rural Chilterns. The rural areas include many attractive villages and towns within easy reach of the Hospital including St Albans and Harpenden. Excellent schools are found nearby. There is also very good access to the Midlands and North by road using the M1 or A1, or by rail to one of the Lutons three stations. A direct link using the new Busway takes passengers from Luton Train station just 7 minutes to reach a stop that is within a short walking distance of the hospital. London Luton Airport is within fifteen minutes of the hospital. All applicants will be required to demonstrate a working knowledge of the English language. Full registration with the General Medical Council is required at time of application The appointment will be subject to full Occupational Health Clearance and Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check for the successful candidates prior to commencement. Visiting Arrangements Further information about the post is available by contacting Dr M Asaria, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Informal visits will be welcomed following shortlisting. Please refer to the Job Description for full details of the post.