Use expert knowledge and skills to identify symptoms and problems and use evidence based practice to explain and treat them. To communicate reasoning effectively to MDT. Communicate in a professional and sensitive manner with individuals, their relatives and carers in highly emotive or distressing circumstances taking their beliefs and culture into account. This can be from diagnosis to palliative care. To take direct responsibilities for providing highly sensitive, accurate, research based information on Parkinsons disease and related neurological movement disorders including diagnostic treatments, prognosis and disease management. This will be to patients, carers GPs, medical staff and other health care members. To take direct responsibility for prescribing, adjusting or titrating medication. To advise and support health professionals in medicine management including pre and post surgery, management and treatment for patients with neuro psychiatric symptoms. To take direct responsibility in recognising when end of life care is appropriate and support patient, family, carers and colleagues through this process. To be responsible for managing own caseload, including in-patients, out patients and home visits and provide support and advice to junior colleagues regarding their caseload. To work as lead nurse for implementation of attend anywhere clinics and run this service independently. Provide independent nurse-led clinics Trust wide and be individually accountable for the patients assessment and treatment. To supervise Band 6 nurses. Provide comprehensive expert advice for GPs on all aspects of disease management and medication changes. To take direct responsibility for reviewing patients response to treatment by regular contact, monitoring and detection of side effects, titration and reduction of medication using expert knowledge and evidence based practice. Provide highly sensitive information, support and advice for patients with Sub-thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation and use expert knowledge to assess suitability for surgery. Provide written individual statements to support claims for benefits or adaptations. Monitor and assess an individuals ability to drive and, where appropriate inform the relevant party if a patients condition changes. Plan, implement and deliver specialist educational support and training for nursing, medical and care staff, in primary and secondary settings Trust wide. Plan implement and evaluate service provision. All managerial and supervisory posts will ensure compliance with Trust policies and procedures and clinical guidelines. All managerial and supervisory posts must ensure staff have equal access to career progression and are appraised annually and have a PDP.