Closing Date
Friday 31 January 2025
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the University of Nottingham, to work on simulations of galaxy clusters with Dr. Yannick Bahé. This position is part of a UKRI funded project to reveal the interaction of galaxies and their cosmic web environment with hydrodynamic simulations based on our new SWIFT code and COLIBRE, a novel state-of-the-art galaxy formation model. You will play a lead role in the production and analysis of these simulations, including code development, simulation runs, and like-with-like comparisons to observations. Moreover, you are encouraged to explore your own research interests.
We are looking for a researcher with experience of data-intensive projects involving simulations or observations, good knowledge of galaxy formation physics, and the ability to work with parallel programming. Candidates must have (or be close to completion of) a PhD in astrophysics or a related subject, and a BSc/MPhys (or equivalent) degree in physics, astronomy, or a related subject. You will have a track record in extragalactic astrophysics and be able to work independently, both on project objectives and towards self-defined goals.
The position is offered on a full-time basis (36.25 hours per week), for a fixed term of three years. The start date is flexible, but preferably on or before 01 September 2025. Job share arrangements may be considered. Requests for secondment from internal candidates may be considered on the basis that prior agreement has been sought from both your current line manager and the manager of your substantive post, if you are already undertaking a secondment role. Generous funding is available for travel, computing equipment, and personal development.
If successful, you will join a diverse team of researchers in the Nottingham Astronomy group, which has a strong collaborative focus on extragalactic astronomy and is part of the University of Nottingham's School of Physics and Astronomy. Members are involved in several major surveys (including Euclid, VLT/MOONS, WHT/WEAVE) as well as cutting-edge simulations (COLIBRE, FLAMINGO, Sherwood, The300). The Astronomy group shares research interests with the Nottingham Particle Cosmology group housed in the same building. You will also have collaboration opportunities with other groups in the UK and abroad.
As part of our commitment to improving equality, diversity and inclusion within the School of Physics and Astronomy, shortlisted candidates will be offered the opportunity to talk to a member of staff representing women, racially-minoritized, LGBTQIA+, or disabilities communities. This will be separate from the assessment process and will play no role in the decision to appoint.
Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be sent to Yannick Bahé []. Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.