Lleoliad gwaith: Amlosgfa Bae Colwyn
Rydym yn chwilio am unigolyn hunan-gymhellol profiadol a chymwys i ymuno â'n Tîm Gwasanaethau Profedigaeth yn Amlosgfa Bae Colwyn.
Fel Gweinyddwr Coffa byddwch yn adrodd yn uniongyrchol i Reolwr yr Amlosgfa a Mynwentydd ac yn darparu cefnogaeth weinyddol a gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid i’r Gwasanaethau Profedigaeth gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar weinyddu gwasanaethau coffa a gweinyddiaeth ariannol.
Bydd gennych bedwar TGAU gradd C ac uwch gan gynnwys Saesneg a Mathemateg neu brofiad cymesur cyfatebol, ynghyd â'r ymrwymiad i ennill o fewn dwy flynedd i gael eich penodi'n aelod o'r Sefydliad Rheoli Amlosgfeydd a Mynwentydd. Bydd angen i chi ddangos sgiliau llafar rhagorol gyda'r gallu i gyfathrebu'n effeithiol mewn modd empathig ag aelodau'r cyhoedd sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.
Ceir manylion llawn y rôl ar y Disgrifiad Swydd a Manyleb y Person.
Manylion y rheolwr ar gyfer trafodaeth anffurfiol: Victoria Currie, Rheolwr yr Amlosgfa a’r Fynwent, 01492 575417 Victoria.Currie@Conwy.gov.uk
Gofynion y Gymraeg: Mae’r gallu i gyfarthrebu yn y Gymraeg yn ddymunol ar gyfer y swydd hon. Rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i'r Gymraeg ac yn falch iawn o’n diwylliant Cymreig. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg fel ei gilydd ac ni fydd ffurflenni cais a dderbynnir yn y naill iaith na’r llall yn cael eu trin yn llai ffafriol na’i gilydd.
Rydym yn frwdfrydig dros eich cefnogi a’ch annog i ddefnyddio’ch Cymraeg, beth bynnag eich lefel; ac mae gennym ni ddosbarthiadau am ddim ar gyfer pob lefel, wyneb yn wyneb ac ar-lein, i’ch cefnogi chi ymhellach.
Mae Conwy wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu. Bydd cymwysterau a geirdaon yn cael eu dilysu.
Mae Conwy wedi ymrwymo i gyfle cyfartal ac rydym yn croesawu ymgeiswyr o bob rhan o'r gymuned. Rydym yn darparu opsiwn i bobl anabl wneud cais mewn gwahanol fformatau. Cysylltwch â'r Tîm AD ar 01492 576129 i gael cyngor pellach.
Work base: Colwyn Bay Crematorium
We are looking for a suitably experienced and qualified self-motivated individual to join our Bereavement Services Team at Colwyn Bay Crematorium.
As the Memorial Administrator you will report directly to the Crematorium and Cemetery Manager and will provide administrative and customer service support for the Bereavement Services particularly focussed on administering memorial services and financial administration.
You will hold a four GCSE’s at grade C and above including English and Maths or equivalent commensurate experience, along with the commitment to gain within two years of the appointment membership of the Institute of Crematorium and Cemetery Management. You will need to demonstrate excellent oral skills with the ability to communicate effectively in an empathetic manner with members of the public which is essential for this post.
Full details of the role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification.
Manager details for informal discussion: Victoria Currie, Crematorium and Cemetery Manager, 01492 575417 Victoria.Currie@Conwy.gov.uk
Welsh Language Skills: The ability to communicate in Welsh is desirable for this post. We are committed to our Welsh language and are proud of our Welsh culture. We welcome applications in both Welsh and English and application forms received in either language will not be treated less favourably than each other.
We’re passionate about supporting and encouraging you to use your Cymraeg whatever your level. We offer free classes at all levels, in-person and on-line to support you.
Conwy is committed to safeguarding. Qualifications and references will be verified.
In promoting Equal Opportunities, Conwy welcomes applicants from all sections of the community. All Disabled applicants who meet the essential job requirements will be guaranteed an interview. The Council will provide appropriate additional work facilities for disabled applicants. There is an option for disabled people to apply on different formats. Please contact the HR Team on 01492 576129 for further advice.
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .