- To prepare and teach lessons of a high standard to the students assigned to him/her:
- following designated programmes of study,
- carrying out the necessary assessments,
- adapting teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all students,
- providing information/comments for records,
- monitoring students in accordance with agreed strategies.
* To demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge.
* To set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge students.
* To maintain discipline in accordance with school policies and demonstrate good practice in the classes taught with regard to attendance, appearance, uniform, punctuality, behaviour, homework etc.
* To contribute to the corporate tasks of development, record keeping, monitoring, evaluation of lessons and maintenance of materials.
* To apply school and departmental homework policy which includes setting, marking of homework and monitoring homework diaries.
* To work closely with and consult those teachers who are responsible for similar curriculum areas, ensuring continuity and progression for students.
* To engage in continuous professional self-development in relevant areas.
* To be a Form Tutor to an assigned group of students.
* To promote the general progress and well-being of individual students and of the Form Tutor group as a whole.
* To register students, accompany them to assemblies, encourage their full attendance at all lessons and their participation in other aspects of school life.
* To promote good progress and outcomes by students.
* To evaluate and monitor the progress of students and keep up-to-date student records as may be required.
* To contribute to the preparation of Action Plans and progress files and other reports.
* To alert the appropriate staff to problems experienced by students and to make recommendations as to how these may be resolved.
* To communicate as appropriate, with the parents/carers of students and with persons or bodies outside the school concerned with the welfare of individual students, after consultation with the appropriate staff.
* To apply the behaviour management systems so that effective and safe learning can take place.
* To understand, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out teachers’ professional duties and responsibilities.