BPV will be providing you with more information about what is happening to services in Bromley. We will keep you posted on meetings that we attend with Bromley professionals and how we bring about change and improvements to our children and family experience.
To help with this process, we are recruiting new steering group members. Could you help champion the views of parents/carers of children with SEND in Bromley? We are recruiting local parents/carers who can share their experience, bring their own skills to help set work priorities; champions the interests of parents/carers and ensures that BPV is influential.
The primary commitment is to represent BPV at a range of meetings with the local authority and other stakeholders that match your interests such as Short Breaks or Early Years (see list of themed areas below) and be responsible for feeding back to the wider group and membership (support is given). This is a voluntary role. Out of pocket expenses are paid.
Below is a list of themes that we need volunteers to get involved in with as a group or lead on:
1. Integrated therapy review – seek feedback on new graduated offer for therapies
2. 0-25 Education, Health & Social Care Transformation project – join working group
3. Bromley All Age Autism strategy
4. SEND coffee mornings at your school or in the community
5. SEN Transport
Additionally, there may be opportunities to be involved in:
1. Preparing for Adulthood (PfA)
2. Early years
3. Annual Reviews
4. Employment Opportunities for YP
5. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
6. Phase Transitions
7. SEN support
8. Local Offer
Please get in touch to get involved or to find out about more about the roles & responsibilities.
Contact: info@bromleyparentvoice.org.uk