Clinical/Professional Responsibilities: To practice nursing and delivery of patient care in accordance with NMC Code of Professional Conduct and Trust/Unit Policies and Procedures. Be responsible and accountable for the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of the care needs of patients on the ward/unit, ensuring safe practice and maintaining high standards of care. Maintain up to date, comprehensive and accurate records of clinical care, the patients condition and other relevant information. Act as an effective role model and demonstrate effective organisational and leadership skills. Deputise for the Ward Sister/Charge Nurse and their deputies.
Participate in planning and implementation of quality initiatives and targets, in conjunction with the Ward/Unit Manager, Modern Matron and Head of Nursing. Be conversant with current emergency resuscitation techniques and fire regulations and procedures both in theory and practice. Ensure the safe custody and administration of drugs. With the Ward/Unit Manager and their deputies ensure that clinical and housekeeping practice follows policies/procedures designed to prevent hospital acquired infection.
Managerial Responsibilities: Ensure nursing staff and/or students under your supervision have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities, and of the standards of performance and conduct expected of them. Promote good communication and working relationships and collaborative working with the multi-disciplinary team, both within the Ward/Unit and the rest of the Trust. In conjunction with the Ward/Unit Manager and all colleagues, is responsible for effective organisation of the area. Be aware of and adhere to the Shift Leader Responsibilities as per the Trusts Standards for Practice and Care. Understand the need for and assist the Ward/Unit Manager and their deputies in maintaining the ward budgetary control through an efficient and effective use of resources.
Ensure safe use of equipment, ascertaining that staff are competent to operate the equipment and that the equipment is in safe working order. Be proficient in the use of information technology. Be conversant with the corporate goals in relation to service delivery.
Education and Development: Support the Clinical Practitioner Educator, Ward/Unit Manager and Head of Nursing/Modern Matron in relation to programmes and strategies for professional development, education and training. Actively participate in the programme of standard setting and audit. Promote and provide health education for patients and their careers. Ensure an environment conducive to the educational needs of all Staff and Students. Understands the educational objectives of all ward/unit staff, acting as preceptor/mentor to appropriate staff and students and assessing their performance. Use available opportunities to maintain and extend professional knowledge and expertise keeping up to date with current nursing practice, including competencies required that are specific to the ward/unit. Maintain good communication with internal education support staff and tutors from local higher and further education providers.
Maintain and enhance own professional development through continuing education and training activities. Attend mandatory training as laid down by the Trust. Be innovative, support and help to manage change. Maintain at all times a professional attitude including appropriate personal appearance in accordance with the Trust Uniform and Dress Code Policies.
Clinical Governance: In conjunction with the Ward/Unit Manager and their deputies participate in the planning and implementation of quality and risk management initiatives and targets, including CNST (Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts), RPST (Risk Pooling Schemes for Trusts) and Controls Assurance requirements. Help and maintain evidence-based quality standards that are regularly audited, and participate in agreed changes in practice. In conjunction with the Ward/Unit Manager and the Practice Development Team, participate in agreed programmes of clinical benchmarking. Maintain the appropriate clinical competencies to deliver safe and effective patient care.
Supporting and supervising colleagues and junior staff in a way that promotes patient safety and well-being. Actively participate in the Trusts professional supervision programme as a supervisor and as a supervisee. Assist the Clinical Practitioner Educator and Ward/Unit Manager and their deputies in the orientation and induction of new staff. Ensure appropriate paperwork is completed and processed.
Understand and be aware of when and how to report untoward incidents, accidents, concerns or near misses and how to deal effectively with patients or relatives complaints.
Health, Safety and Security: Work with team members to ensure maintenance of a clean and safe environment that is conducive to therapeutic and ethical practice. Be accountable for and ensure own competence in practice. Promote nursing practice and care delivery in line with relevant research and evidence base and with reference to trust policies and guidelines. Identify potential risks for all staff, patients and visitors, take action as required and adhere to relevant incident reporting procedures. Handle and dispose of all body fluids in accordance with universal precautions.
Provision of Care to Provide Health and Wellbeing Needs: Act as an advocate for the patient and their families, providing them with information and directing them to the relevant support services where appropriate. Respect peoples dignity, wishes and beliefs; involve them in shared decision-making and obtain their consent before undertaking nursing procedures. Ensure that treatments prescribed by the medical staff are carried out, and that multidisciplinary team members are informed of changes in the patients condition. Ensure safe and timely transfer of patients in accordance with ASPH policy. Ensure safe discharge of patients in accordance with ASPH Discharge Policy.
General Responsibilities: The post holder has a general duty of care for their own health, safety and well-being and that of work colleagues, visitors and patients within the hospital, in addition to any specific risk management or clinical governance accountabilities associated with this post. To be responsible, with management support, for their own personal development and to actively contribute to the development of colleagues. To observe the rules, policies, procedures and standards of ASPH Foundation Trust together with all relevant statutory and professional obligations. To support the department and organisation by carrying out any other duties that reasonably fit within the broad scope of a job of this grade and type of work.
For further information about this post, please contact: Jennifer Drummond (Ash Ward Manager)