Performing routine Audiological test battery as part of doctor-led clinics on children. This will include Pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, play audiometry, acoustic reflexes, Oto-acoustic emissions and speech testing To support senior audiologists on medical clinics in assessing children with complex needs. To undertake and lead on the assessment of older children referred from a variety of sources, e.g. GPs, Health visitors, speech and language, Ears, Nose Throat (ENT) into scientist-led clinics. To make decisions about the most appropriate test technique to employ e.g., play audiometry, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, Oto-acoustic emissions, acoustic reflexes, speech testing. To make management decisions regarding older children and initiate onwards referrals as necessary. To seek advice from senior colleagues when required. Interpretation of complex test results and communicating complex information about tests and results to parents, families, and patients. To request support from senior colleagues when required. To be accountable for the day-to-day management of pertinent work areas, ensuring that equipment is maintained correctly and daily checks/calibration are carried out, reporting any faults as appropriate to the relevant member of the team. Acts independently within professional guidelines. To liaise with Medical, Technical and Scientific staff in the identification, development and implementation of new clinical tests and procedures. To assist, analyse and interpret a broad spectrum of paediatric test results and recommend appropriate audiological intervention. Determining the reason for erroneous clinical test results within paediatrics Continuous interaction with children and their parents. To alert relevant member of the team regarding low stock. To ensure that departmental/national recommended procedures/protocols/guidelines are adhered to and a high level of competence is maintained. Perform evening and weekend clinics as required Rotate at other community/hospital sites as required, as directed by line manager/service leads and/or due to service requirements. Band 5 Clinical and Scientific duties Assist in the assessment of infants and children referred from various sources, such as GPs, health visitors, speech and language therapists, and ENT, as part of scientist-led clinics. To assist on decisions about the most appropriate test technique to employ e.g. VRA, Distraction testing, play audiometry, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, Oto-acoustic emissions, acoustic reflexes, speech testing, McCormick toy test. Demonstrate empathy and support in delivering news of permanent hearing loss to families. Collaborate with senior audiologists, families and educational services to develop individual management plans, ensuring clear and compassionate communication. To ensure that all appropriate verbal/written information is provided to families at every stage, and to ensure that reports/information is provided to other relevant health professionals involved in the childs care.