Support the planning and delivery of vaccination, immunisation, and screening programmes across Gloucestershire Integrated Care System ICS. Support the on-going roll-out of the Covid19, Flu and RSV vaccination programmes ensuring effective mobilisation of the booster programmes. The postholder will also support the delivery of any new vaccines that become available as well as supporting any local and national infection outbreaks, mobilising vaccination teams to ensure the protection of the Gloucestershire population. Support and project manage the mobilisation of the future operating model for the delegation of immunisation and screening programmes with the planned delegation of commissioning responsibilities from NHSE to the ICB in 2026. Support the vaccination teams within the ICB and provide administrative and project support to the ICS Vaccination Delivery Group. Maintain effective working relationships with primary, community and secondary care vaccination providers, and Public Health Gloucestershire, ensuring effective processes are in place to enable timely delivery of all public health vaccines in line with national policy. Support the Assistant Director of Vaccination, Immunisation and Screening in their role and provide cover during their absence. Provide project support and management for vaccine, immunisation and screening programme delivery to colleagues in the ICB, those leading in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and general practice. Ensure accurate records are maintained and that regional returns are submitted on time. Support providers to deliver agreed national and local standards and targets. Provide support on the assurance of planning and performance to the ICS. Support quality improvement and transformation of services to achieve better outcomes for the population secured through equity and fairness in respect of access and participation.