Responsible to: Senior Leadership Team Member
Responsible for: Learning outcomes, progress and personal development of students. Professional growth of staff line managed.
Post Title: Curriculum Area Leader for Mathematics
Grade: Main Pay Scale/Upper Pay Scale plus TLR 1B
Principal Accountabilities:
* Leadership of the area
* Achievement of all students across the area
* Enhancing the teaching of others
* Line managing a significant number of staff
Main Activities and Responsibilities
The responsibilities listed in this are to be undertaken in addition to your responsibilities as a Schoolteacher as defined in the relevant Conditions of Service and the Generic for all teachers at the school.
Leadership of the Area
The post holder will provide a clear direction for the work and development of the faculty within the context of the overall activity of the school, promoting high standards and a commitment to improvement by personal example and effective line management.
The post holder will ensure: -
* The area has explicit aims and values, which are reflected in all its work.
* The curriculum is regularly reviewed and developed to enhance learning.
* The department identifies appropriate priorities and targets, takes action and then reviews progress towards them.
* Staff, accommodation and other resources are used efficiently.
* There is rigorous monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning.
* All school policies are understood and implemented by members of the faculty.
* Accommodation allows the curriculum to be taught effectively and is safe for purpose.
* The views of stakeholders are sought and used to evaluate and inform the development of the faculty.
* High quality information is collected on student progress and made available to the Headteacher and parents.
Pupil Progress within and beyond Assigned Groups
The post-holder will, directly and through effective line management including coaching and mentoring of staff, support the progress of all students to ensure they will: -
* Acquire new knowledge and skills, develop ideas and increase their understanding.
* Understand what they are doing, how well they have done and how they can improve.
* Think and learn for themselves.
Enhancing the Teaching of Others
The post holder will enhance the teaching of others within the area by enabling colleagues to: -
* Develop and improve subject knowledge and pedagogy.
* Plan effectively, setting clear objectives that pupils understand.
* Challenge and inspire Students.
* Develop and improve teaching skills.
* Use methods that allow all students to learn effectively.
* Assess students work thoroughly and use these assessments to inform their planning.
Line Managing a Significant Number of Staff
The post holder will be responsible for line managing the staff in their area as identified. This may include both teaching and support staff. This responsibility will include areas of both a professional nature and areas concerning conditions of service and employment.
The post-holder will ensure that: -
* There is effective appraisal and performance management for staff in the area following school policies.
* There is effective delegation to enable all staff to contribute to the success of the area.
* There is effective induction of new staff.
* If the area is a provider of Initial Teacher Training, students are effectively trained and supported.
* The Headteacher is kept informed of the number, qualifications and experience of teachers and support staff required to meet the demands of the area and curriculum.
* Attendance, punctuality, professional performance and development needs are monitored, recorded and reported.
* Return to work interviews are completed and any action required reported to the Headteacher.
All these responsibilities will be undertaken within the context of
a) The School Teachers Conditions of Service.
b) To undertake any other duty as specified in the Teachers' Standards (2012) as specified by DfE.
c) The expectations of standards for Threshold Teachers as defined by DfE.
d) The expectations of standards for Subject Leaders as defined by DfE.
Copies of these documents can be obtained from the office.
In addition to these specific responsibilities, the post-holder may be required to undertake any additional responsibility that might be deemed to be reasonable.
These responsibilities may be reviewed at any time with due consultation and will be reviewed at regular intervals as part of the School Improvement Planning process.