JOB TITLE: MENTAL HEALTH CARE COORDINATOR Reporting to: SOCIAL PRESCRIBING TEAM LEADER Role Purpose: To support the practice in delivering excellent patient care by effectively co-ordinating different elements of care from multi-disciplinary teams within and outside the practice focussed on mental health Service Co-ordination Provide coordination and navigation for patients and their carers across mental health and care services, working closely with Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, and other primary care professionals. Co-ordinate the work of healthcare professionals and non-clinical staff involved in the care of patients registered at the practice. Co-ordinate MDT meetings, collating information on patients requiring review and providing secretarial and administrative support, and ensuring the completion of resulting actions. Act on communications from hospitals, community services, mental health services and other providers. Facilitate inter-agency communication to support the discharge and handover of patients between different mental health and care settings. Support Lead GPs with the administrative aspects of QOF (Quality Outcomes Framework). Act as a single point of contact for health professionals and patients within your remit (mental health focus). Point of contact for patient mental health queries and triage/sign posting into appropriate mental health services. Assist with the marketing of the Proactive Care Team through event planning and attendance, newsletters and social media. Maintenance of the practice Health Corners to ensure up to date and relevant information exists. Assisting the Social Prescribing Teams with referrals. Patient Support & Care Planning Contact patients with mental health concerns and queries to assess, triage and signpost into appropriate mental health services, seeking clinical guidance where required. Make every contact count - help people to manage their health needs through answering queries, making appointments, booking tests and arranging other reviews including long-term condition reviews, screening and vaccinations. Ensuring that actions from review meetings are progressed on behalf of patients. Provide patients with good quality written or verbal information to support them in making choices about their care. Proactively support patients to participate in local and national screening programmes. Support patients in readiness for shared decision-making conversations. Support people to understand their level of knowledge, skills and confidence engaging with their health and wellbeing. Identify and address safeguarding concerns. Supporting patients through the varying stages of mental health such as: - Prevention and staying well Provide single point of contact to be able to assess and respond to changing needs. Provide education around self-care, self-management and health literacy. Support people to get the most out of consultations, reducing the need for follow ups. Facilitating joint working and information flow across mental health teams and health care systems. Reducing the risk of deterioration through personalised care and regular contact. Deterioration/acute episodes Facilitating joint working and information flow across mental health teams and health care systems. Facilitate referrals and ensure timely access to right professionals and teams. Support with coordination of treatment escalation plans. Help identify where peoples needs are increasing, and they are at risk of an acute episode. Discharge and recovery Provide support to people who have been discharged to ensure all necessary arrangements in place. Support people to access the right service and resources for them. Empower and enable people to self-manage. Facilitate joint working and information flow across teams and healthcare systems. Patient experience sampling. Development Activity Actively promote your role within the practice and PCN. Raise awareness of Proactive Care Team in the community by attending events and community groups. Contribute to tackling inequalities in health and social care particularly regarding individuals with long-term conditions and complex care needs. Support the development and implementation of projects, campaigns, education and initiatives aimed at improving mental health and care of patients. Ensure personal skills are kept up to date by complete mandatory training and additional training. Reporting Maintain effective records of activity and produce reports as required. Ensure personal workplan is up to date. Provide any agreed performance/activity data. Assisting to document and evidence outcomes.