Clinical Responsibility To assess, plan and implement programmes of care for individualchildren and young people, carers and families with complexbehavioural, emotional, psychological or mental health issues. To undertake risk assessment and risk management for all childrenand adolescents, including the protective and risk factors in thenetwork of significant relationships. To be responsible for a defined caseload selecting and usingappropriate interventions to meet care plan objectives and goalsprivileging core skills as appropriate. To develop, implement and manage specialised interventions withinthe child/young persons context, employing evidence based practice. To evaluate and adjust practices based on feedback. To act as care coordinator, where appropriate, ensuring provision of a care plan, taking responsibility for initiating, planning and review of the clients care, ensuring the work of others involved and communicating effectively with the child/ the carer/ professional as appropriate, monitoring the progress of multi-disciplinary interventions. To carry out assessments and interventions jointly with co-workersfrom the multi-disciplinary team as appropriate. To contribute and develop skills in Clinical Governance. To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and localpolicies and issues in relation to both the specific client group andmental health