To ensure effective delivery of the relevant programmes of study within the School in accordance with School Policies and in pursuit of high standards of pupil achievement.To assist in the implementation of all of the School policies and the School’s Pastoral programme.
·As detailed on the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Service) Regulations (NI) 1987;
·In the first instance to be Head of Mathematics and Numeracy;
·To teach Mathematics across the entire age range in the School;
·To teach other subjects as required across the entire age range in the School;
·Additional duties as detailed below.
Within the sphere of Mathematics & Numeracy to:
A. lead and develop teaching and learning to ensure all pupils achieve high levels of success in examinations.
B. to monitor, evaluate and review pupil learning programmes and their delivery in order to ensure their effectiveness and report outcomes to pupils, relevant staff, Governors and parents as requested by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
C. to develop self and other Mathematics & Numeracy staff in order to enhance performance and thus pupil outcomes.This development to be carried out by participation in the School’s In-Service Education and Training (INSET) and the Professional Review and Staff Development (PRSD) programmes as required by the SLT.
D. to secure and monitor resources allocated to ensure equality and effectiveness of pupil experience.
Within the remit of generally helping pupils to achieve success:
E. to carry out general teacher duties.
A1To teach Mathematics & Further Mathematics up to and including A Level, as required by the Principal, using varied and innovative teaching strategies.
A2To draw up suitable teaching and learning programmes (schemes of work and assessment) in line with the requirements of the appropriate statutory bodies and to review them annually.To construct a Departmental Handbook to include Departmental Structure and Organisation, Methodology, Assessment & Reporting, Self Evaluation, Departmental Procedures, Inventory and Schemes of Work.To review the file annually and to ensure it is kept up-to-date.
A3To lead and develop teaching and learning in Mathematics & Numeracy that will further pupil progress.
A4To implement the School’s homework, assessment, discipline and other policies and to ensure their successful implementation within the Department by monitoring individual teacher’s delivery.
A5To promote and organise enrichment activities including events, exhibitions and trips to raise the profile of the Department within the School and to foster enjoyment and satisfaction in the study of the subject by pupils.
A6To maximise pupils’ involvement in the production of attractive and useful wall and other displays.
A7To implement all School and departmental policies.
A8As directed by the Principal, to teach an additional subject which best meets the needs of the School.
A9To promote that aspect of the School’s ethos relating to cross community work and furthering the School’s education for mutual understanding and Shared Education programme.
A10To teach Citizenship, Employability, Personal Development, Learning for Life and Work, Life Skills and/or ICT as requested by the Principal.
B1To manage the work of the Numeracy coordinator and monitor, evaluate and review school policy on Mathematics & Numeracy annually.
B2To lead Financial Capability education by producing appropriate policies, training staff, implementing procedures, monitoring progress and reporting outcomes with suggestions for improvement to the Senior Leadership Team.
B3To set, annotate and mark appropriate homeworks, classwork, tests and examinations; and to maintain a well ordered and up-to-date mark book/computer record of all work set and marks recorded.
B4To monitor, evaluate and review the whole school delivery of Mathematics annually.
B5To implement a set of standardised common assessment tasks within the Department and utilise these marks in order to monitor and track progress against individual pupil targets.
B6To make use of agreed statistical analysis procedures to review pupil and staff performance and to set annual attainment targets.
B7To produce, in conjunction with the members of the Department, a three year Development Plan and an annual Action Plan for the Mathematics Department and to present this to all members of the Department as well as to the Principal and the link SLT member.
B8Within all subjects taught to ensure the requirements of the Key Elements and Whole Curriculum Skills & Capabilities of the NI Revised Curriculum are met.
B9To provide pupils with regular constructive feedback and positive reinforcement on all aspects of their performance.
B10To report to parents through at least two written reports annually per year group, or one written report and other statistical reports per year group, as instructed by the Principal.
B11To report to parents through Parents’ Meetings, Open Nights and Consultation Interviews.
C1To maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the courses being taught.
C2To review pedagogy regularly in order to ensure the most effective and appropriate style to improve pupil performance.
C3To manage and lead a team of teachers of Mathematics.
C4To chair departmental meetings at a frequency agreed with the Principal.
C5To manage the work of any technical staff assigned to the department.
C6To monitor, evaluate and review the work of the department’s staff annually and to undertake PRSD assessments/observations as requested.
C7To ensure appropriate staff development and training to increase staff confidence and competence in teaching Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Numeracy & Financial Capability.
C8To attend and participate in the HoD meetings.
C9To be responsible for the induction of new staff, student teachers and the training of any non-teaching staff within the department.
C10In conjunction with the Principal to ensure the employment of appropriate substitute teacher cover for long term absences and to ensure that the substitute teachers receive proper induction.
D1 To requisition materials as required and provide an annual up-to-date inventory to the Principal.
D2 To ensure the Health and Safety of all pupils and staff within the classroom and other work places.
D3To organise the care and maintenance of the department’s equipment and accommodation.
E1To carry out duties as detailed in the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Service) Regulations (NI) 1987.
E2To carry out all duties in a manner in which they comply with:
a. current Health and Safety legislation.
b. the requirements of the Children’s Order.
c. the School’s security requirements.
d. the requirements of Banbridge Academy’s Policy Documents.
e. the requirements of the Education Authority and the Department of Education.
E3To act as a Form Teacher/Tutor to an assigned Form/Tutor group and to carry out related duties in accordance with the general job description of a Form Teacher/Tutor.
E4To carry out a share of pupil supervisory duties in accordance with published rosters.
E5To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues, parents and pupils.
E6To implement all School Policies and procedures.
E7To play an active part in furthering the School’s Ethos as a multi-cultural,
inter-denominational community promoting such values as caring, tolerance and co-operation.
E8To undertake any reasonable duties as requested by the Principal or his appointedDeputy.
E9To help with the organisation and delivery of some School extra-curricular activities outside the area of Mathematics.
These duties are not necessarily comprehensive and are subject to annual amendment by the Principal, after consultation with the post holder.
Applicants should give detailed information of modules, courses and subjects studied as part of their qualifications, together with the number of years each was studied.Applicants should also give details of experience of teaching, indicating length of experience of teaching the GCSE & A level specifications.
a.The interview panel of Governors reserves the right to enhance the criteria to facilitate the shortlisting and selection process.
b.Shortlisting will be carried out only on the basis of the information contained on the application form.
c.Shortlisted applicants will be required to make a short presentation.
1) Exercise of general professional duties
A teacher who is not a principal shall carry out the professional duties of a teacher as circumstances may require:-
(a) if he/she is employed as a teacher in a school under the reasonable direction of the principal of that school;
(b) if he/she is employed by a board on terms under which he is not assigned to any one school, under the reasonable direction of that board and of the principal of any school in which he/she may for the time being be required to work as a teacher.
2) Exercise of particular duties
(a) A teacher employed as a teacher (other than a principal) in a school shall perform, in accordance with any directions which may be reasonably given to him/her by the principal from time to time, such particular duties as may reasonably be assigned to him/her.
(b) A teacher to whom paragraph 1(b) refers shall perform, in accordance with any direction which may reasonably be given to him/her from time to time by the board or by the principal of any school in which he/she may for the time being be required to work as a teacher, such particular duties as may reasonably be assigned to him/her.
1. Planning
1.1 Planning and preparing courses and lessons;
1.2 Teaching, according to their educational needs, the pupils assigned to him/her, including the setting and marking of work to be carried out by the pupils in school and elsewhere;
1.3 Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils.
2. General
2.1 Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of any class or group of pupils assigned to him/her;
2.2 Providing advice and guidance to pupils on educational and social matters and on their further education and future careers including information about sources of more expert advice on specific questions, making relevant records and reports;
2.3 Making records of and reports on the personal and social needs of pupils except in instances where to do so might be regarded as compromising a teacher’s own position;
2.4 Communicating and consulting with the parents of pupils;
2.5 Communicating and co-operating with such persons or bodies outside the school as may be approved by the employing authority and the Board of Governors;
2.6 Participating in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described above.
3. Assessment/Reporting
Providing or contributing to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to individual pupils and groups of pupils except in instances where to do so might be regarded as compromising a teacher’s own position.
4. Staff Development/Professional Development
4.1 Participating, if required, in any scheme of staff development and performance review;
a) Reviewing from time to time his/her methods of teaching and programmes of work;
b) Participating in arrangements for his/her further training and professional development as a teacher.
4.3 Advising and co-operating with the Principal and other teachers (or any one or more of them) on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.
5. Discipline/Health and Safety
5.1 Maintaining good order and discipline among pupils in accordance with the policies of the employing authority and safeguarding their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere.
5.2 Participating in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or the administration or organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
6. Public Examinations
Participating in arrangements for preparing pupils for public examinations and in assessing pupils for the purposes of such examinations; recording and reporting such assessments; and participating in arrangements for pupils’ presentation for and supervision during such examination.
7. Review and Development of Management Activities/Administration
a) Contributing to the selection for appointment and professional development of other teachers, including the induction and assessment of probationary teachers;
b) Co-ordinating or managing the work of other teachers;
c) Taking such part as may be required of him/her in the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.
a) Participating in administrative and organisational tasks related to such duties as described above, including the management or supervision of persons providing support for the
teachers in the school and the ordering and allocation of equipment and materials.
b) Subject to the provisions of Article 22 of the Order, attending assemblies;
c) Registering the attendance of pupils and supervising pupils, whether these duties are to be performed before, during or after school sessions.
8. Number of days/Hours of work
a) A full-time teacher, other than a teacher employed in a residential establishment, shall be available for work on 195 days in any year of which not more than 190 days should involve teaching children in a classroom situation;
b) A teacher, other than a teacher employed in a residential establishment, shall be available to perform such duties at such times and such places as may reasonably be specified by the Principal, or where he/she is employed by a Board on terms under which he/she is not assigned to any one school by the Board or the Principal of any school in which he/she may for the time being be required to work as a teacher, for 1,265 hours in any year exclusive of time spent off school premises in preparing and marking lessons and time spent travelling to and from the place of work;
c) A teacher may not be required to teach as distinct from supervise children in a classroom situation for more than 25 hours in any week in a primary or special school and 23.5 hours in any week in a secondary school;
d) Unless employed under a separate contract as a mid-day supervisor, a teacher shall not be required to undertake mid-day supervision;
e) Subject to paragraph (f) all teachers shall be required to have a break of at least 30 minutes between the hours of 12 noon and 2.00 pm;
f) Teachers in nursery schools and nursery units in primary schools shall be required to have a break of at least 30 minutes between the hours of 12 noon and 2.30 pm;
g) For the purposes of this paragraph, a ‘year’ means a period of 12 months commencing on 31st July and a ‘week’ means a period of 7 days commencing on a Sunday.