The post-holder will: Be approachable, non-judgemental and responsive to patients needs irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or sexuality. Provide accurate and up-to-date information on contraception, sexual and reproductive health and Sexually transmitted infections to patients and other professionals Assess, examine and treat patients presenting to clinics or drop-in services including history taking, examination and provision of appropriate contraceptive and reproductive health advice This includes: Issue of oral contraceptives / patch/vaginal ring/ EHC/ barrier methods Assessment and management of Sexually Transmitted infection Provide preventative care (Vaccinations, Pre-Exposure HIV prophylaxis) Issue and administer injectable methods of contraception Counsel & offer Long Acting Reversible Contraception as per NICE guidance Insertion, review and removal of intrauterine methods Insertion & removal of contraceptive subdermal implants Provide pre - pregnancy advice to women planning a pregnancy Undertake pregnancy testing Support and give advice regarding unplanned pregnancies and referring for Termination of pregnancy as per local policy. Ensure smooth running of the clinic by supporting nursing staff working to PGDs. Give medical advice over the telephone if needed during a clinical session to other doctors, nurses, pharmacists or other professional groups Provide information, advice on sexually transmitted infections. Perform male and female examinations as appropriate, take appropriate tests and recognise any abnormal findings. Promote the safe sex message encouraging condom use Respect a patients needs and wishes When treating patients under the age of 16 years ensure that the under 16 risk assessment proforma is completed and that Fraser Guidance and safeguarding procedures are observed Remain up to date with national clinical guidelines, FSRH, BASHH, NICE/Government guidelines and issues relating to child protection Be familiar with local guidelines, procedures and clinical protocols and proformas and adhere to these. Participate in clinical governance and clinical audit in Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ensure confidentiality and privacy at all times Training & Education Take an active role in the existing training programmes for DFSRH trainees, medical students, and other health professionals. Support the existing training programme for Registered Practitioners (nurses/midwives) undergoing training for Patient Group Directions (PGDs), non medical prescribing and cervical cytology Support and contribute to the professional development of medical, nursing and other staff as appropriate.