Clinical coding provides the clinical element to what is otherwise administrative data. It is vital in enabling the Trust to plan its services and to engage in clinical audit, research and epidemiology. The accuracy of coding is determinant of the Trusts data quality and is key to operational management, the wider governance agenda and many International and National indicators. Under the Payment by Results (PbR) system, timely, accurate and complete clinical coding is core to identifying and receiving Trust revenue. If outpatient episodes are not coded within PbR deadlines the Trust may not receive payment; and if they are not fully coded or inaccurate the Trust may not be correctly paid for its activity. To abstract from the patients case notes, and other sources as required, all relevant information concerning the primary diagnosis, co-morbidities, procedures, investigations and treatment for each period of care. To translate this information into ICD-10 and OPCS 4 codes using judgement based on knowledge and experience and enter onto the hospital Patient Administration system, in a timely and accurate manner following the rules of coding convention for International Classification of Diseases and OPCS procedure books.