This role focuses on the support of fully qualified and competent tradespersons within the Estates team. Learning on the job from senior members of the team and taking on responsibility (once trained) for non-specialist taskings around the buildings and grounds.
To provide engineering support to the estates team within their areas of responsibility: buildings and grounds.
The post holder will be required to complete maintenance documentation in detail for all works completed.
Responsible for assisting in the provision of a quality, efficient, responsive, flexible & effective estates service to Whittington Health and properties that the Trust works from, working as part of the Estates Department Team.
Apply Trust/departmental safety policies and procedures system to all aspects of the work.
To carry out unsupervised (once trained), planned preventative maintenance routines and reactive maintenance works as instructed by management that does not justify the attention of a fully-qualified maintenance staff. Provide feedback to line management using various forms of communications.
To learn minor works in other trades as required to assist maintenance staff.
To carry out some minor painting and redecoration using roller and brush applications.
To carry out minor installation work when required.
To be aware of new technology and new working practices. Attend training courses as requested to develop core skills and further develop non-core skills.
Maintain adequate records on all plant and equipment.
To comply with Health and Safety Regulations and report any defects through the Trust helpdesk.
To perform other routine work requiring basic skills (including labouring) as needed.
Co-operate and assist with multi-trade maintenance staff of other trade bias and grades to complete tasks safely and as speedily as possible.
To understand and adhere to the Trust Health and Safety Policy, Fire Safety Policy and Departmental Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s).
To undertake any training required in order to maintain competency including mandatory training i.e. fire and manual handling.
To carry out collection & disposal of refuse from external bins and maintain a clean external environment.
Adhere to procedures for sickness reporting, annual leave and paid absence.
Maintain personal standards of conduct, discipline, presentation and timekeeping.
Any other duties which may be required to facilitate the effective running of the Estates Department.
To assist in snow clearance and gritting as and when required. This includes topping up salt bins Trust wide.
To keep the hospital and Trust properties grounds and gardens swept clean and free of rubbish.
To empty various bins at frequent intervals around grounds and gardens on a daily/regular basis.
To tackle blockages throughout Trust bathrooms.
To cut back shrubbery and hedging as required.
To weed paths, steps, roadways and miscellaneous areas as required.
To wash down signs and external surfaces as required.
Assist in maintenance of drains and soil systems with minimal supervision.
To use all relevant tools as instructed by more senior and competent members of the estates team.
To be able to work overtime at short notice and if required depending on the needs of the Trust.
To maintain plant rooms, boiler rooms and workshop in good condition (sweeping, disposal of rubbish and removal of redundant equipment).
Meter readings (after training) on all utilities.
Minor electrical and mechanical duties e.g. change tap washer, toilet siphon replacement and changing fuses in portable appliance plugs etc.
Replace lamps, fluorescent tubes and starters (not involving disconnection of electrical circuits) and replacing electrical fuses. Disposal of “spent” lamps in a safe, controlled environment (back at the Whittington hospital), complying with Health and Safety Legislation.