Summary Job Description Nuclear fission is key to deploying reliable low-carbon power at scale and in the UK as the percentage of electricity generated by nuclear power increases the need to ensure a secure supply of fuel for our reactor fleet will become even more pertinent. Nearly all the UK's historic and existing nuclear reactors have been fuelled using a UK-led supply chain for uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication. With the anticipated development of a fleet of various Gigawatt (GWe) reactors, Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and Advanced Modular Reactors (AMR) it is likely that the UK supply chain will need to meet demand for a range of different fuel types: for reactors which are currently deployed or in construction in the UK or internationally, and for advanced reactors which are not currently operational but first of a kind (FOAK) projects. It is essential that accumulated skills are maintained and enhanced, whilst undertaking world leading, cutting-edge research, as both are crucial for the successful delivery of new nuclear generation. To support these national mission endeavours the UKNNL-Uranics Bursary scheme is delivered through the DESNZ Nuclear Fuel Fund Uranics Innovation Centre to enable and encourage students to work on topics of national priority relating to uranium based nuclear fuels and supporting front end fuel cycle activities with a focus on: Purification Conversion Deconversion Fuel design Fuel Manufacturing and waste/effluents management U recovery/separations Fuel Performance Advanced geometry test reactor fuel There are at least 10 bursaries available, the maximum value of the bursary being £5000. The bursary may be held alongside other scholarships, studentships, awards or bursaries. The bursary shall be awarded on the basis of financial need, compatibility with the aims and scope of the Uranics Innovation Centre and on recommendation of the panel. Applications from under-represented groups are encouraged and supported Applicants must be willing and capable of undergoing national security vetting clearance at the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) level. Essential Criteria: Students must be on accredited courses with in-scopeuranics science or engineering content: Full or part time integrated undergraduate master's courses wherein the student is undertaking their penultimate taught year, currently undertaking a year-in-industry, or intending to take a year-in-industry in academic year 2026. Full or part time post-graduate master's degrees courses with modules at master's degree level being taken with examination being taken as a Continuing Professional Development module, independently or for credit on a post-graduate certificate, post-graduate diploma or part/full-time MSc/MRes (or equivalent). In all cases, enrolled degree courses must run until at least summer 2026, with taught or research content delivered in Academic Year 2025/2026. Students must be in good standing on track for at least an upper second (or equivalent) undergraduate degree supported by academic transcripts. This evidence must be submitted at the time of application. Incomplete applications may not be considered. A reference letter from a Nuclear Academic (or heads of schools/departments) in support of the master's project activities within scope of the Uranics Innovation Centre (described above). This evidence must be submitted at the time of application. Incomplete applications may not be considered. Should you be successful: As part of the award, you will be required to participate in a residential Uranics Spring School, intended before Easter 2026 in Preston. Costs of attending this school are provided in addition to your bursary award. You will be required to provide updates on the progress of your agreed master's projects and to submit a copy of your final project report/dissertation/thesis with UKNNL. Failure to attend the Uranics Spring School, provide the required project updates or non-completion of the agreed project or non-completion of your degree may result in the bursary award being withdrawn and funds recovered. How to Apply During the application process you will be required to: Tell us in no more than 500 words how being awarded the TheUranics Innovation Centre bursary would make a difference to you. Please comment on your motivations for undertaking master's study, your interest in nuclear science, technology and engineering and your plans for afterwards, and how the bursary would specifically help you in these plans. If you have experienced challenging personal circumstances during your undergraduate studies or prior to entry, please include this information e.g. you may have experienced interruptions to study. We would strongly encourage you to provide as much detail as you can about the ways in which the Bursary would enable you to complete your master's course. We will use the information in your supporting statement to make the final decision when allocating bursaries. Tell is in no more than 750 words about the Uranics related project you are undertaking or intend to undertake as part of your Master's degree project, dissertation, thesis or year-in-industry work. Provide a letter of support from your supervising Nuclear Academic supporting the project. Applications without a letter of support for the master's project from a Nuclear Academic will not be considered. About The Company UKNNL is an incredible place to work. A place where people do things that have never been done before. A place where people push boundaries to further themselves, the business and society as a whole. This is a place where personal and professional opportunities are limitless. If you want to change the world, if you want to tackle climate change, if you want to help advance medical science, if you want to help put things in space, if you want to answer the big questions, if you want to work with extraordinary materials, if you want to meet great people, learn new skills, challenge yourself, work flexibly, and build a long successful career with the power to make a real impact you can do it all here. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion UKNNL has a vision for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (ED&I) where UKNNL aims to be an inclusive workplace that attracts diverse talent through transparent and equal policies and procedures, providing reasonable adjustments as appropriate. We want you and the diverse mix of people that we employ, customers that we service and stakeholders that we influence to feel valued. We encourage a workplace culture where everyone can thrive with a sense of belonging and the ability to access to workplace in a way which works for you. ADZN1_UKTJ