We are seeking a talented and credible professional who will support the Head of The Kairos Academy to ensure that our school is provided with the highest quality support, challenge and intervention. This role will primarily be based in The Kairos Academy and may also involve work across Black Country Alternative Provision as a whole.
Purpose of the Role:
The Deputy Headteacher at The Kairos Academy plays a major role in supporting the Head of The Kairos Academy with the day-to-day management of the academy as well as taking a lead role in the strategic direction of the school. The Deputy Headteacher will be required to deputise and assume full responsibility for the school in the absence of the Head of The Kairos Academy.
As a member of the leadership team, the Deputy Headteacher will play a major role in formulating the culture, vision, aims and objectives of the school, establishing the policies through which they shall be achieved, managing staff and resources to achieve the aims and objectives and monitor and evaluate progress towards their achievement.
Duties and responsibilities
In addition to the professional duties as given in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document, the Deputy Headteacher will have the following specific roles and responsibilities:
To be non-class based but there will be a small timetabled teaching responsibility
To lead on behaviours and attitudes towards learning, academy culture and ethos.
To lead on teaching and learning throughout the school including the curriculum
To lead a system and culture of continual improvement and high standards in teaching through coaching, team-teaching, and demonstrating excellence
To lead on all matters pertaining to statutory assessment and testing.
To lead on induction, admissions and transitions with home schools and local authority placements.
To take a major role in monitoring and evaluating school provision related to raising standards and achievement.
To take a leading role in the pastoral care of all children in the school including behaviour management, child protection and safeguarding.
To take a leading role in the safeguarding and attendance of students.
To support the Head in the day-to-day management of the school by taking specific responsibility for exclusions, suspensions, rewards and enrichment.
To provide occasional support across the multi-academy trust as directed by the Chief Executive and to attend relevant network meetings.
Teaching and Learning
The Deputy Headteacher will help secure and sustain effective teaching and learning throughout the Academy, monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of students’ achievement, using benchmarks to track and set targets for improvements. They will:
Contribute to the teaching throughout the school as and when required.
Support and maintain an environment and a code of behaviour and discipline which promotes and secures good teaching, effective learning, and high standards of achievement.
Help organise the curriculum and its assessment; work with the Headteacher to monitor and evaluate it in order to identify areas for improvement.
Ensure that the curriculum and assessments meet National Curriculum requirements.
Ensure that improvements in literacy, numeracy and information technology are priority targets for all students.
Leading and Managing Staff
The Deputy Headteacher of The Kairos Academy will motivate, support, challenge and develop staff to help secure improvement. They will:
Maximise the contribution of staff to improving the quality of education provided and the standards achieved and ensure that constructive working relationships are formed between staff and students in The Kairos Academy.
Ensure that equal opportunities and inclusion policies are reflected in practice.
Work with the Headteacher to implement and sustain effective systems for the management of staff performance, incorporating appraisal, threshold, and targets for teachers, including targets relating to professional practice and students’ progress and achievement
Specifically motivate and enable all staff at The Kairos Academy to carry out their respective roles to the highest standard, through high quality continuing professional development based on assessment of needs
Lead, support, and co-ordinate the provision of high-quality professional development F
Sustain your own motivation and that of other staff
Ensure that professional duties are fulfilled, as specified in the Terms and Conditions of Service of Teachers
Partnership Working
Support in establishing a culture and curriculum which fulfils the aims and requirements of the wider community as set out in the vision.
Seek opportunities to invite parents and carers, community figures, businesses and other organisations into The Academy to enrich student experience and to promote The Academy’s value to the wider community.
Collaborate with local schools, the local authority and other agencies to promote the academic spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural well-being of students and their families.
Represent The Academy at relevant meetings, as and when required
Health and Safety / Child Protection
To help ensure that health and safety standards meet statutory requirements, monitoring health and safety matters within the school, particularly ensuring that members of the staff take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others
To help ensure that child protection and safeguarding procedures and Department of Health assessments of children in need are rigorously complied with, and that the welfare and health and safety of students are of prime consideration
To promote the safety and well-being of students and staff
To ensure good order and discipline of students and staff