Management.1. To manage the ward/department and deputise in the absence of theManager. (KSF dimension 21 level 2)2. To delegate effectively. (KSF dimension 21 level 2)3. To assess, plan and evaluate patient care and assist others to manageevidence based nursing care. (KSF dimension 21 level 2)4. To facilitate communication with other departments and disciplines in order tobuild and maintain a high regard for the Unit. (KSF dimension 21 level 2)5. To ensure adequate ward cover through effective off-duties and to manageTrust requirements for study leave allocation and sickness. (KSF dimension21 level 2)6. To contribute to planning, monitoring and control of resources. (KSFdimension 21 level 2)7. To ensure that working practices satisfy current Health & Safety regulations.Attend risk management forum and be responsible for incident reporting asper Trust policy. (KSF dimension 3 level 2)Clinical Practice1. To ensure that patient care meets the highest possible standards inaccordance with Clinical Nursing Guidelines. (KSF dimension 7 level 3)2. To perform comprehensive assessment of patient nursing needs andevaluate care delivery according to changing needs and varying levels ofcomplexity. (KSF dimension 7 level 3)V3.0 (Nov 09)Education1. To be responsible for assessing the current training requirements for all wardstaff including mandatory training. This will be done through PersonalDevelopment Plans, in conjunction with appraisal and providing opportunitiesfor their self-development. (KSF dimension 2 level 2)2. To participate, in conjunction with the School of Nursing, in the promotion ofan active learning environment for student nurses allocated to Ward orDepartment, both internally and externally. (KSF dimension 2 level 2)3. To contribute to the training and development of teams, individuals and self toenhance performance. (KSF dimension 2 level 2)4. Take part in nursing audit and research and continually monitor levels of carethrough benchmarking and initiate changes as required. (KSF dimension 2level 2)Practitioner Role (KSF 8 level 3)1. Evaluation and assessment of patients and diagnosis of a specific range ofconditions (see relevant competency package).2. To provide patients and their carers with relevant pre and post-operativeinformation or education relating to specific condition.3. Preparation, where necessary, for relevant surgery and involvement inconsent process.4. Independent examination of post-operative patients at day one andsubsequent follow up clinics. Referral to doctor when necessary.5. Independent examination of patients presenting in A+E and those attendingNurse Practitioner clinics6. Listing of patients eye for surgery or discharge when no further managementrequired.7. To work in a collaborative manner with all members of the multi-disciplinaryteam.8. To co-operate in the development of appropriate standards, guidelines, auditsand continuous monitoring of the above.9. To recognise and implement improvements to the service when necessary.10. To assist the surgeon, when necessary, as Scrub Nurse.11. Monitor and evaluate clinic templates.Specific Ophthalmic Responsibilities (KSF 7 level 1)1. Visual assessment and other ophthalmic investigations of patients attendingthe department i.e.: IOP, RAPD etc.2. Preparation of patients undergoing ophthalmic investigations, includingrequesting of relevant investigations, surgical procedures.3. Admission and discharge of patients to Ward/Department.Research1. Promote research activity amongst the nursing staff2. Ensure regular audit of practice is undertaken in the department3. Develop systems of practice to ensure the implementation of changes topractice4. based on research findings, systematic reviews and where there is sufficient