Your new role*Assist the Operations Delivery Manager in the day-to-day coordination of all operational activities*Liaise between customer and management to ensure smooth operations delivery*Maintain clear and accurate operations documents for future reference purposes*Maintaining an up-to-date awareness of all project forecasts*Booking machinery, cranes, UK haulage, hotels*Booking external agency personnel & monitoring time sheets*Manage WorkMobile and ensure all job-packs are prepared and uploaded for all live projects.*Create orders for project components and material(s)*Matching up corresponding invoices to orders*Creating and emailing client checklists to customers, ensuring all is in place for the project to commence. (i.e. Sending certs, insurance and other requests by the client)*Sending all Project RAMS and lift plans to client*Premier in statement and invoices*Mileage and labour reports*Visa card log and spend records*Maintaining Visual Planning and Operations IT housekeeping*Liaising with all scanning companies regarding scans, visits and PO's*Subsistence payments*Expenses processing*Weekly van tracking*Arrange French Haulage*Booking Flights*Booking Ferries*Management meeting reports: agency man days/monthly projects/monthly transport/hotel costs*Raise purchase orders and other requests to assist the Logistics Manager*Assist all Site Managers with office support as required*Driving licence checks*Updating of all external subcontractor's insur...