Project Officer - Casework
Job purpose: To lead on casework and supporting service users to access help and support locally and further afield
1. Working with the team to build a culture of welcome and support for asylum seekers and refugees in Leicester, within the framework of policies agreed by Trustees.
2. Working with volunteers to ensure that the weekly activities for asylum seekers and refugees runs smoothly.
3. Developing new channels of support work for asylum seekers temporarily housed in Leicester, pending decisions on future location.
4. Providing general administrative support and record keeping.
Service provision and project management
1. Casework - assessing service user needs, referrals to other agencies and keeping relevant records
2. Maintaining an overview of current service provision across the city and working closely with key partners
3. Attending meetings on behalf of the organisation, as appropriate
4. Being present at the weekly hub to support provision and activities, and as a point of contact for service users
5. Communicating in advance with service users to arrange casework appointments
6. Work with lead volunteers to oversee the effectiveness of the registration of new users, and ensuring their details are recorded on our database (Lamplight)
7. Accompanying service users on trips out into the wider community and taking a lead on collating feedback for activities
8. Assisting with support for volunteers and ensuring the information is fed back to Chief Officer
9. Develop a bank of resources for both asylum seekers and refugees to access support
10. General administration and other duties that ensure smooth running of the sessions
Social media and online presence
1. Contributing to LCoS Social Media pages with updates and good news stories
Volunteer recruitment and support
1. Assisting and supporting volunteer training both in person or online as required
2. Attendance at quarterly Operational Team and other staff and volunteer meetings
3. Supporting lead volunteers with events and trip planning
Record keeping and evidence gathering
1. Collecting statistics and assisting in monitoring and impact evaluation for LCoS activities and ensuring they are recorded in the software package provided
2. Collating information for grant monitoring reports and assisting with report writing, and other written materials
3. Researching and maintaining a comprehensive of list of similar support services in other cities and making referrals as required
4. Keeping track of and recording which service users have been granted LTR and which have been moved to other towns/cities
1. Good understanding of the Right to Remain toolkit and process
2. Some knowledge of local support for asylum seekers and refugees
3. Language skills would be advantageous
4. Lived experience would be advantageous but not an essential requirement
Other responsibilities
Undertaking any reasonable requests for other duties required to ensure the smooth and purposeful running of Leicester City of Sanctuary, subject to overall hours available.