The School Nurse will: 1. Lead on the 5-19 healthy child programme. 2. Will be responsible for co-ordination of the School Health Plan with their named schools on an annual basis. 3. Contribute to an integrated Public Health Nursing Service by linking to education settings and other partner agencies 4. Lead on the recommended health assessment and reviews including: Reception/Year 1 (age 45) school entry assessment (transition from 05 HCP school entry questionnaire; Providing Year 6/7 (age 1012) assessment at transition from primary to secondary school. 5. Supporting mid-teens reviews, when young people are embarking on the next transition stage as and when required in national and local specifications. 6. Lead and coordinate a core programme of interventions according to agreed procedures, ensuring that Trust targets are met. 7. Undertake comprehensive health assessments for identified children and young people in line with the Healthy Child Programme 5-19 years of age. 8. Contribute to the delivery of the national immunisation programme for school aged children. 9. Plan, implement and evaluate interventions according to changing health needs to improve health outcomes. Consult, advise and educate children, young people and families to enable them to effectively manage their health needs. 10. Perform home visits to children and families advising on all aspects of health as appropriate. 11. Working in partnership with other key stakeholders to safeguard and protect children and young people. 12. Contribute and take part in regular team meetings and contribute to multi-agency groups as appropriate. 13. Work collaboratively to support children and young people where there are identified health needs, or where they are in the child protection system, providing therapeutic public health interventions for the child and family 14. Provide and/or support access to training where necessary to young people, parents, teaching personnel and other professionals. 15. Provide signposting to other services and agencies, referring and liaising appropriately. 16. Take and act upon referrals from other agencies and services, as appropriate. 17. Provide a confidential support and advice service; that is easily accessible, for young people within a high school or other venue on a regular basis. 18. Organise, facilitate and participate in health promotional and health educational activities in schools and community settings, working in partnership with school staff and with other statutory and voluntary agencies. 19. Utilise opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and the public health agenda. 20. Ensure children not in employment, education or training, or children educated at home receive the universal offer. 21. Support nurse led immunisation programmes in schools and other venues following patient group directions, actively promoting the National and Local Immunisation Programmes. 22. Complete PDRs and return to work pro-forma as required to the designated named staff within the team. 23. Ensure performance data is collated in a timely manner 24. Cover for named team leader as required. This list of duties is not intended to be exhaustive, but indicates the main areas of work and may be subject to change after consultation with the post-holder to meet the changing needs of the organisation See Full Job Description Attached