Job Purpose: To manage and coordinate all services within the Lifeworks Learning Hub, ensuring they are of high quality, innovative and safe, meeting learning needs and outcomes of the students and users who access them. Planning delivery of services and learning topics areas connecting with local community, to offer a broad, stimulating and fun opportunities. Assess Student places ensuring we meet their needs by delivering unique learning experiences with evidenced achievement of outcomes including transition work at key stages and partnership work with key professionals.
Salary Range: 24,080 - 27,520
Hours of work: 35 hours per week (for 43 weeks per year)
Working Pattern: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Employment type: Permanent
Contract Type: Permanent
Location: YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate, RH2 8HA
Annual leave: Starting allowance - 25 days plus Bank Holidays. Please note that school holidays are key delivery periods and annual leave is not usually agreed during these periods.
Free Gym Membership: The post holder will be entitled to free use of the YMCA East Surrey fitness centre in Redhill and half price YMCA childcare for dependents.
Free Parking : There is free parking available at all our delivery site. YMCA East Surrey also operates a Bike to Work Scheme.
Pension Scheme: There is a YMCA East Surrey pension scheme - details available on request.
Closing Date for Applications: Monday 31st March 2025 (9.00am)
Interviews to be held: Friday 4th April 2025
Proposed Start Date: 1st May 2025
Main Responsibilities:
Manage and Coordinate the Alternative Education Provision to meet the needs the students and funding placement outcomes and requirements.
Lead and line manage a team and volunteers, and to assist in the recruitment and training of the Lifeworks Hub Team.
Responsible for promotion of services and ensuring our service target and attendance levels are achieved and maintained, adhering to budgetary requirements,
Line manage Rebound Therapy Leader and ensure we deliver a full safe programme of sessions planned and to meet our budget requirements.
To promote all service and work in partnership with agencies and local organisations.
To coordinate and take responsibility for the planning of hub learning timetable, arranging stimulating sessions including local community access.
Create evidence files of outcomes achieved and submit for ASDAN assessment where appropriate.
Produce key reports for commissioners and student annual/EHCP reviews.
Attend meetings where needed to support students.
Provide sufficient staffing across service to ensure safe delivery and achievement of set targets and budgets.
Support students at key transition stages, working with other agencies and ensuring smooth movement.
Have responsibility for receiving and processing new referrals within 5 working days.
Undertaking initial assessments in young people’s homes to confirm suitability for Learning Hub, creation of individual care plans and associated risk assessments.
Create unique learning plans with students, professionals and families to ensure outcomes are met with ongoing monitoring to ensure they stay relevant, timely and achieve positive results.
To develop strategies and behavioural support plans for young people attending LifeWorks Hub services.
Administer medication for young people with health needs and undergo relevant training and transfer this knowledge onto the staff team.
Work closely with individual young people and their families
Ensure that all young people are made to feel valued and enabled to develop and improve self-esteem, life skills, self-confidence and positive experiences.
To gain students’ feedback and capture their voice in shaping and evaluating our services.
To be responsible for the Health and Safety of children, young people and staff, above all, ensuring that Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults at Risk policies are adhered to.
Provide information, guidance and advice for parent/carers about local services for young people and families.
Attend and participate in relevant internal/external meetings and forums related to the Hub services and activities.
To provide operational Coordinator cover for Hub Leader.
Undertake staff 121’s and annual appraisals.
Design and deliver training sessions to staff.
To undertake the role of Duty Officer at the Sovereign Centre, at times to be agreed with Disability Services Manager
Undertake any other duties and responsibilities reasonably requested by the Disability Services Manager