Do you live in the N. Chelmsford: Springfield, Beaulieu or Channels area?
We require friendly, helpful drivers to assist mainly elderly persons to hospital and other medical appointments.
Free parking and mileage paid.
* Careful Driver
* Courteous manner and patience
* Preferably living in the Springfield, Beaulieu or Channels area
* You say when and how often you can help
* Say what kind of help you can offer
* Have your expenses met
* Are covered by insurance
* Some of our volunteers make regular commitments, others are only called occasionally
* Ongoing support: Handbook, support from the Co-ordinators and Chair, and experienced volunteers
* Training provided
When can I volunteer?
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Mon Yes Yes No
Tue Yes Yes No
Wed Yes Yes No
Thu Yes Yes No
Fri Yes Yes No
Sat No No No
Sun No No No
Availability Details
This is a flexible opportunity.
This opportunity is available in: Chelmsford