Clinical practice, including own professional development To communicate effectively with service users, family and carers; demonstrating an ability to be adaptable in the way they provide information which is sensitive to their ethic and cultural background and ensures that they are understood. To initiate and develop ways of working that reflects the gender specific needs of service users. To provide clinical leadership to the team, being knowledgeable about and where appropriate lead decisions about the care of all of the patients admitted to the ward. To act as primary nurse for service users within the in patient setting. To work within the CPA framework, taking a proactive approach consistent with clinical and service need. To carry out detailed assessment and risk assessment of the service users needs through the utilisation of a range of assessment and interviewing techniques and gathering of information from a wide range of sources. To develop care plans in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary team that are based around the service users individual need, that is recovery focused and builds on their strengths and are outcome based. Plan and implement interventions with the service user that is responsive to the service users needs that are applied in a stepped approach which will lead to a therapeutic outcome. Monitor, evaluate and modify treatment in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary team in order to measure progress and ensure effectiveness of the intervention. To have the ability to deal with service users and their relatives in times of distress. Liaise with and work alongside other teams and professionals to ensure the effective discharge of the service user from the inpatient setting. To administer and monitor medication prescribed to individual service users, providing information and advice as required and complying with Trust and Nursing and Midwifery Council Policy on the administration of medication. Inform the Ward Manager and other appropriate senior managers when circumstances threaten the health and safety of patients or staff; or threaten the reputation or assets of the Trust. Work with the Ward Manager and other members of the multidisciplinary team to establish an effective therapeutic environment in which care can be delivered. Ensure that they maintain an up to date knowledge of mental health legislation and code of practice, and the Mental Capacity Act both to inform their practice but also to ensure that other members of the ward team are executing their responsibilities within the legal framework. Assist the Ward Manager in the effective running of the ward in accordance with Trust and local policies and procedures. Promote effective communication between junior staff, the Ward Manager, other members of the multi-disciplinary team and senior managers within the Trust. Inform the Ward Manager when the conduct or performance of any member of staff allegedly falls below the standards expected of staff within the Trust. Regularly act as the nurse in charge of the ward. Participate in the staff recruitment process as and when required. To deputise for the Ward Manager as and when required.