Key Responsibilities Strategic Leadership and Planning In collaboration with the Deputy Medical Director and General Practice LeadershipTeams, develop and execute a comprehensive Practice Services strategy aligned withBrisDocs vision and NHS priorities Lead service improvement plans, ensuring delivery is data-driven, insight and evidencebased, and aligned with patient and workforce needs Collaborate with stakeholders to horizon-scan for opportunities and risks, includingcontract additions and variations, and wholesale new opportunities, whilst maintainingBrisDocs position as a healthcare innovatorOperational Excellence Monitor and manage performance against objectives, including QoF (Quality OutcomesFramework), CQC (Care Quality Commission) standards and Contract KPIs (keyPerformance Indicators) including NHS Contracts Ensure our practices meet high regulatory and operational standards, fostering aculture of mutual support and continuous improvement Oversee improvements to estates, including opportunities to develop premises to meetthe needs of modern general practiceFinancial and Contract Management In collaboration with the Commercial and Finance Director and Deputy Medical Directorlead on BrisDocs reprocuring of existing contracts. Work with the Commercial and Finance Director and Deputy Medical Director tomanage existing contracts and contractual relationships, manage budgets, controlcosts and maximise income streams Provide contractual and financial oversight to ensure practices operate sustainably andprofitablyLeadership and Workforce Development Provide direct line management to Practice Managers, including setting objectives,conducting appraisals, and ensuring their effective support and development Inspire and empower Practice Managers and Practice Leadership Teams, promotingprofessional growth and operational success Support consistent HR practices, including appraisals, training, and conflict resolution Build strong, collaborative relationships across BrisDoc and external partners, ensuringPractice Services contribute to the development and delivery of the BNSSG (BristolNorth Somerset South Gloucestershire) ICB integrated care strategyChange Management Lead strategic change and digital transformation initiatives, using data-driven methodsto drive adoption and measure success Develop risk mitigation strategies and work through challenges to ensure effectiveimplementation of projectsPatient and Community Engagement Ensure patient voices are central to service development through effective engagementmechanisms like PPGs (Patient Participation Groups) and Neighbourhood and LocalityPartnership working Promote community health initiatives that align with BrisDocs mission to enhancepopulation well-beingWider BrisDoc awareness and involvement Hold awareness of Severnside Integrated Urgent Care and its various offshoots, e.g.Integrated Access Partnership, System CAS (Clinical Assessment Service), Frailty-ACE(Assessment and Coordination for Emergency and Urgent Care), Paediatric-ACE, andhow they interface with Practice Services Liaise with the Head of Severnside and others as appropriate to consider wheresynergies may lie between the two areas of BrisDoc