Undertake clinics, diagnose and treat patients (within scope). Also, deal with appropriate patient presentation. This will include being responsible for managing various areas of chronic disease, including heart failure reviews, structured medication reviews (SMRs), hypertension management, lipid management, and other conditions based on the needs of the practice. Provide pharmaceutical input for chronic disease management, ensuring to make every contact count public health education interventions with patients. Follow up identified patient groups, targeting better patient adherence with treatment to improve outcomes. Identify patients requiring a medication review and undertaking a medication review in order to optimise drug therapy, reduce polypharmacy and minimise unnecessary waste, communicating directly with patients as necessary (where appropriate, within scope of practice). Responsible for managing long-term conditions, through conducting structured Medicine Reviews and Chronic Disease Management clinics (within scope) Review and action incoming hospital correspondence, particularly where medicine reconciliation or initiation is required and managing medicines from transfer of care. This will include liaising with local pharmacies to improve patient outcomes. Provide advice on queries from other healthcare professionals Advising patients of the adverse side effect of medication and potential interaction with other medication/treatments. Provide medicines and long term disease advice and support to GP practice staff, practice registered patients, and the wider practice team (within scope) To advise on risk management processes relating to the prescribing and monitoring of specialist drugs e.g. controlled drugs and those subject to shared care arrangements. Provide advice and support to improve the disease registers to ensure all suitable patients are identified and offered suitable treatment and monitoring for their condition (within scope) Depending on the needs of the practice, help GPs by managing the repeat prescribing reauthorisation process by reviewing patient requests for repeat prescriptions, issuing prescriptions and reviewing medicines reaching review dates and flagging up those needing a review. Ensure patients have appropriate monitoring tests in place when required. Facilitate and participate in multi-disciplinary meetings related to prescribing topics and to engage in the training of other healthcare professionals and practice staff on matters relating to medicines usage. Undertake clinical audits of prescribing in determined areas, feedback the results and implement changes in conjunction with the relevant practice team. To help with QOF, contributing to the achieving of Quality Outcome Frameworks objectives of Foundry Healthcare. Prepare evidence-based resources and information to support the Clinical Pharmacy Team and all other relevant health professionals in the implementation of rational cost-effective prescribing. Support MOIS, LCS and AMS projects outlined annually by local ICB, where appropriate. Complete the Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway (PCPEP)