1. To ensure that a suitable clinical safety process is in place and that it has been followed during the manufacture, procurement, and implementation of digital health systems. 2. Develop, maintain, and refine systems and processes to identify and address patient safety risks associated with digital health applications and systems. 3. Promote and support the adherence of the digital health applications implementation activities including: a. The deployment and use of Health IT Systems DCB 0160 4. Develop, manage, and maintain the following in support of DCB 0160 compliance: Clinical Risk Management records Clinical safety assessment workshops A Clinical Risk Management Strategy & Plan Hazard Logs Clinical Safety Case Clinical Safety Case Report Safety incident management log Decommissioning Clinical safety Case Report 5. Work with the CSO, members of the clinical safety function offer from frontline digitisation/NHSE, to develop the clinical safety case(s) required for the Trust, including the new EPR. 6. Work collaboratively with other ICS organisations and teams in relation to digital clinical safety and assessments of clinical IT systems. This will include supporting the clinical safety requirements of the shared care record. 7. Maintain Clinical safety assessments/risk logs and update as changes/updates occur. With regular planned reviews against any identified service hazards or risks, supporting an ethos of continuous development and learning from experience, optimisation. 8. Escalate concerns regarding clinical safety, working under the direction of the Clinical Safety Officer, to address and mitigate these concerns collaborating with Trust wide teams and others.