To ensure an appropriate skill mix when planning rotas, delegating tasks, etc To manage human and other resources effectively within budget allocation. To supervise and deploy staff where and when necessary to meet the continuing needs of the services. To undertake PDRs for team members. To lead on the recruitment and selection of staff in line with Trust policy, within ownarea. To attend and participate in meetings as required, including providing feedback and disseminating information as appropriate. To utilise information systems to plan and forecast future needs and ensure appropriate action. To monitor sickness, absence and competence issues and implement Trust policies,eg managing ill health, capability To ensure systems are in place for risk assessment and minimisation, including promoting a no blame culture in order that incidents and near misses are reported. To manage complaints at ward/department level. To participate in the investigation of incidents/complaints as required, including preparing detailed reports/letters to complainants. To participate in the supervision and teaching of pre/post registration students. To ensure systems are in place to support staff in development, eg mentorship, preceptorship & NVQs. To identify training needs for ward/department team. To support the development of the ward/department team. To ensure the clinical learning environment is conducive to effective learning. To create and maintain networks beyond the ward/department, sharing good practice and information. To promote and lead Patient and Public Involvement strategies in the clinical area. To ensure patient information related to specialty is accurate, up-to-date and accessiblefor patients. To participate in research and the development of initiatives in practice and encourage others. To ensure clinical practice is evidence-based and act when standards are not being met. To identify the need for, participate in and support others to participate in, audit, ensuring agreed results are implemented. To lead in the standard-setting process, maintain consistency and take appropriate action where necessary. To ensure benchmarking is an integral part of the ward. To work closely with members of the Trusts cancer management team and other appropriate health and social professionals to co-ordinate, influence and develop acute oncology services within and across the primary, secondary and tertiary care settings, in line with local, network and national guidance and standards. Work with the cancer management team and acute oncology service MDT to support the annual peer review process and to ensure effective nursing leadership is integrated into the process.