Job Title: Registered Service Manager Job Details Responsible to: Operations Director Responsible for : Service Users, Staff, and Premises Working Hours: 40 hours Essential Qualifications: RMA / ILM Heath and Social Care Level 4 N.V.Q. or equivalent Essential Experience: Minimum 2 years of Managing a Care Home Job Summary (Description of main purpose of job): Overall responsibility for providing quality residential and respite care, training, advice and other support services are provided to adults with learning difficulties and their carers in accordance with the Service Principles and philosophies as well as Sahara Homes Policies and procedures and under the supervision of the Operations Director. To ensure that all support staff understand and comply with the Company’s Equal opportunities Policy. To uphold and comply with the statutory provision of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation or the Company’s Policies and Procedures relating to Health and Safety at Work. To understand and actively promote the Company Customer Service Policy, ensuring the needs of our customers are considered at all times to enable the Company to meet its policies and ensure our customers are satisfied with our service provision. To be familiar with and comply with the standards of conduct and practice set by the General Social Care Council as detailed in the GSCC Code of Conduct Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers. To run the service in accordance with the company’s operational policies and procedures and Statement of Purpose. To ensure that all sections of the community have equal access to the service and that the service is provided on a fair and consistent basis. To enable service users and their carers to play a key role in determining and monitoring the overall pattern of service provided at the location To ensure total compliance with the Health & Social Care Act 2008. To enable service users and their carers to play a key role in determining and monitoring the overall pattern of service provided at the registered location Key Tasks: The organisation and maintenance of the day-to-day running of the service, and deployment of staff. Providing for the supervision, training and deployment of all staff. Providing regular supervision to deputy Manager and support staff. To delegate work appropriately and ensure that all staffs are fully informed, equipped, supported and effective in carrying out their duties. Participation in the recruitment, interviewing and selection of all staff employed at the service. Organising and chairing of regular staff meetings. To represent the service at management and company meetings and advise on the performance and development of services. To promote appropriate liaison between the staff team, and other professionals from different disciplines and agencies. To ensure the service objectives are set and reviewed regularly with a view to improving and developing the service. In conjunction with other staff to establish, maintain and monitor standards of performance for all aspects of the service, including physical and nursing care, training and therapeutic programmers, and user and carer involvement and consultations To ensure that the service meets the agreed requirements of individual service users To assess need, and to make decisions, with other members of the management team, about referrals and allocation of service according to agreed criteria. To lead and support senior staff in providing an advice and counselling service to users and carers on an individual and group basis. Responsibility for implementing the Company’s Health and Safety at Work Code of Practice and maintenance, cleanliness and good order of the care home. To manage the services budget/petty cash and maintain effective and efficient administrative information and record keeping systems in accordance with the company’s Policy and Procedures. To operate security and administration procedures to provide for the safe keeping and accounting of monies, equipment and stock. To receive regular supervision from the Operations Director and undertake appropriate training. To ensure night staff are supported and supervised appropriately. Any other services of a similar nature, up to and including those in the same grades as may from time to time be prescribed by the Directors of the Company Note: This description is not intended to establish a total definition of the job, but an outline of the duties. Essential Desirable EXPERIENCE 1. Experience of managing a staff group E 2. In-depth knowledge of the care needs of adults with learning disabilities E 3. Substantial experience of supporting families and carers under stress E 4. Substantial experience of management of challenging behaviour E 5. Budgetary management D SPECIAL ABILITIES/APTITUDES 1. Able to lead and manage a large multicultural staff team E 2. Able to manage finite resources and ensure allocation of services according to agreed priorities E 3. Able to establish an effective partnership with carers E 4. Able to work effectively with other staff in other agencies E 5. Able to lead and train staff in the management of challenging behaviour E 6. In-depth knowledge and skill in staff supervision and leadership skills E OTHER JOB SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. Commitment to the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy and acceptance of their responsibility for its practical application E 2. To uphold and comply with the statutory provision of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation or Company Policies and Procedures relating to Health and Safety at Work E 3. To understand and actively promote the Company’s Customer Service Policy, ensuring the needs of our customers are considered at all times. E 4. Plan, develop and manage services that meet the changing need of service users including the needs of people from disadvantaged groups E 5. Able to manage budgets E 6. Able to work flexibly during out of hours shifts E 7. To be familiar with and comply with the standards of conduct and practice set by the GSCC. E EDUCATION & TRAINING 1. The ability to express complex ideas clearly, verbally and in writing E 2. Recognised qualification, e.g. Dip SW, CSS, RGN or NVQ4 E 3. Management Qualification, e.g. RMA, DMS, CMS D DISQUALIFYING FACTORS Indication of sexist, racist or anti-disability attitudes or any other attitudes inconsistent with the company’s Equal Opportunities Policy Alert me to jobs like this