Applications are invited for a 12 month Vascular Registrar vacancy in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery to support the Liverpool Vascular & Endovascular Service (LiVES) which provides vascular surgical services in North Mersey.
The Vascular unit consists of 15 consultant surgeons with supporting junior staff. The junior middle grade staff currently consists of 5 Specialist Registrars, 2 Clinical Fellows. The successful appointee will add to this complement to support the middle grade vascular on call rota on a 1 in 8 basis, with prospective cover.
The appointee will be allocated to operating lists, out-patient clinics and ward rounds at our weekly planning session. We operate a Consultant of the Week system, supported by a ‘Registrar of the week’, in order to ensure rapid throughput of patients, facilitating urgent/emergency care as necessary and early discharge. The appointee will participate in the Registrar of the Week rota.
The unit supports a full range of arterial and venous work, working in close collaboration with interventional radiology.
The appointee will be allocated to operating lists, out-patient clinics and ward rounds at our weekly planning session.
We operate a Consultant of the Week system, supported by a ‘Registrar of the week’, in order to ensure rapid throughput of patients, facilitating urgent/emergency care as necessary and early discharge.
The appointee will participate in the Registrar of the Week rota.
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust comprises Aintree University Hospital, Broadgreen Hospital & Royal Liverpool University Hospital.
We are part of NHS University Hospitals of Liverpool Group, formed on 1 Nov 2024 from the coming together of LUHFT and Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. The Group was born from a shared aim to improve the care we provide our patients.
UHLG is one of the largest employers in the region, with over 16,800 colleagues dedicated to caring for our communities - from birth and beyond.
For the 630,000 people across Merseyside, we are their local NHS. We provide general and emergency hospital care, alongside highly specialised regional services for more than two million people in the North West.
Aintree University Hospital is the single receiving site for adult major trauma patients in Cheshire and Merseyside and hosts a number of regional services including an award-winning stroke facility. Broadgreen Hospital is home to elective surgical, diagnostic and treatment services, together with specialist patient rehabilitation. Liverpool Women’s Hospital specialises in the health of women and babies, delivering over 7,200 babies in the UK’s largest single site maternity hospital each year. The Royal Liverpool University Hospital is the largest hospital in the country to provide inpatients with 100% single bedrooms and focuses on complex planned care and specialist services.
For roles at Liverpool Women’s, visit their careers page.
The unit provides a comprehensive vascular service for its catchment area in North Mersey in addition to providing a tertiary service for Cheshire and Merseyside, North Wales and wider for some of the specialised endovascular work undertaken.
We have a large EVAR programme and currently treat >170 aortic aneurysms annually, the majority by endovascular means. The practice includes the management of juxta and suprarenal aneurysms using open surgery or fenestrated and branched grafts. Our practice in these highly specialised cases is currently the largest in the UK.
There is a strong interest in the management of carotid artery disease and there is a weekly Carotid MDT in the city on Wednesday lunchtime which is held in the vascular seminar room.
The unit has a strong interest in the endovenous management of venous disease and there will be good opportunities to become familiar with these techniques.
This advert closes on Friday 7 Mar 2025