Summary of role: Northcroft school is seeking an energetic and ambitions life skills tutor to join a growing team of professionals. The role is being created in line with the needs of the school cohort. The life skills curriculum will work in conjunction with the academic curriculum to ensure that the young people attending the school leave with the skills they need to be exceptional members of the community and able to access further education or employment. At Northcroft school, you may work with a variety of Special Needs, ranging from, learning difficulties such as dyslexia, conditions such as autism, social, emotional and mental health needs, or have a combination of these difficulties. A full training individual package will be created alongside the successful candidate to ensure they are supported and equipped with the knowledge and skills which are needed. The successful candidate will have a small tutor group and implement a whole school scheme of work during this time, additional details are included within the personal development section of the job specification. You may also work with gifted and talented individuals who need to be challenged further than the standard curriculum allows. A key aspect of working in this field is identifying individual needs and adapting to that particular student, working towards Educational, Health Care Plans is key to progress. As a secondary teacher within Amegreen Education, you will have a responsibility for creating a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment in doing so by working in hand with the schools’ values and pedagogy. Purpose of the role: To inspire, motivate and challenge through the planning and delivery of high-quality learning experiences leading to good progress and outcomes for all students. To manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment and high-quality pastoral support. Promote personal development and the welfare of students. To fulfil the wider professional responsibilities of being a teacher, through supporting the creation and implementation of policies and initiatives, and as detailed within the Teachers’ Standards as set out by the DfE. Coordinate and develop your curriculum area contributing to whole schools’ improvement priorities. To ensure Inclusive practise is being offered by all teachers and support where needed. To share and priorities the schools’ values and pedagogy across the whole curriculum. Duties of the role: Work in accordance with the schools marking policy to mark, monitor and return work within a reasonable and agreed time span, providing constructive oral and written feedback and clear targets for future learning as appropriate. Use assessment data to identify students who need further support to make expected progress and take action to address the issues. Understand the SEN Code of Practice for identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs (including Gifted and Talented) and keep appropriate records on Individual Education Plans for students. To be prepared to deliver an ambitious and age-appropriate curriculum with adaptations to secure every child’s learning. Behaviour and Attendance: Work collaboratively with all staff, pastoral staff and the multi-agency teams to promote high expectations for attendance (linked to progress), setting work for students who are persistently absent from school or excluded. In accordance with the school’s behaviour policy, set high expectations for students' behaviour and maintain a positive learning environment and whole school culture by establishing a purposeful working atmosphere. To be inspired by the schools already built culture based on the Thrive model and the trauma informed approach using PACE. Promote good attendance and monitor in accordance with the attendance policy. To adopt the school’s restorative justice approach. Personal Development: To support joined up working between Stable Futures and the Paddocks who facilitate some aspects of the agreed personal development scheme of work. To support the implementation of weekly personal development sessions. Support all students to become confident, self-assured learners with excellent attitudes to learning which has a strong, positive impact on their progress and who are well equipped for the next stage in their education, training or employment. Undertake the role and responsibilities of a Tutor. Be the first point of contact for parents/carers of students in the Tutor Group. Engage parents/carers to be involved and share responsibility for students’ progress and achievement. To work collaboratively with the therapeutic team to provide bespoke support based on children’s needs and trends. Professional Standards: Support the aims of Haywards Farm School and Northcroft School to promote a positive, safe and aspirational learning environment. To treat all students fairly, consistently and without prejudice. Promote equality of opportunity and an acceptance of diversity, tackling the use of derogatory or aggressive language and challenging stereotyping and prejudice-based bullying. Set a good example to students in terms of appropriate dress, standards of punctuality, attendance and conduct. Promote the aims of school by attending and participating in appropriate events, e.g. Open Evenings, Options Evenings etc. Support the ethos of the school by upholding the behaviour code, uniform regulations etc. Take responsibility for own professional development and participate in staff training when provided. Reflect on own practice as well as the practices of others as the school secures knowledge of the characteristics of effective learning and teaching. Understanding of a diverse range of teaching and learning styles and techniques. Working knowledge of quality first teaching and the SEN Code of Practice. Be aware of and follow the policies of Haywards Farm/Northcroft School. Participate in the management of Haywards Farm School and Northcroft School by attending various team and staff meetings. Ensure that all deadlines are met as published. Be proactive and take responsibility for matters relating to CP, Safeguarding and health and safety, including following the safeguarding procedure of reporting and recording of incidents. All duties in the job description may be varied to meet the changing demands of the school at the reasonable direction of the Line Manager and the Headteacher and are reviewed annually. This job description indicates the way the post holder is expected and required to perform and complete the duties as set out. The postholder will be predominantly based at one school, although working across multiple sites may be required.