Key Objectives
To participate in effective partnership working and engagement and to work collaboratively with a range of organisations, statutory and voluntary in delivering services to children, young people and adults;
To work in co-production with children, young people, adults, their carers and significant others in undertaking assessments and planning;
To complete written records, reports and assessments to a good standard as required in line with Children's and Adults Services policies and practices;
To ensure that the views of Children and young people are listened to as part of any process undertaken or:
To recognise that Adults with capacity are able to judge what is in their best interest and what will meet their wellbeing needs.
Where appropriate approach and undertake Mental capacity assessments to fulfil the requirements of the MCA Code of Practice; social workers are also required under this statutory duty to ensure proper and objective assessment when working out best interests on each relevant occasion;
To maintain the highest professional standards in the discharge of this post and to up hold the Social Care Wales Code of Professional Practice; and promote to others within the area of responsibility;
Meet the requirements of the Service Quality Assurance framework and standards;
To take personal responsibility for keeping up to date with legislation, research findings and practice knowledge, including attendance at appropriate training;
Value, recognise and respect the diversity, expertise and experience of individuals, families, carers, groups and communities and in doing so enable them to make informed decisions and express what matters to them;
Appropriately challenge the judgements and decisions of others where there is evidence that the wellbeing outcomes are not being achieved.
* Undertaking assessments in line with the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 with children, adults and their families/carers, identifying outcomes and where required developing care and support plans, which are monitored and reviewed.
* Risks to children and adults are assessed and balanced in a way that promotes coproduction, independence and choice;
* Strengths within the persons circumstances are identified and promoted;
* Have a responsibility to plan and work within the financial resources which have been secured to deliver social care services within their area of accountability;
* Social inclusion of isolated and vulnerable people is promoted; particularly networking with community and family resources;
* Work in collaboration with other agencies adopting a multi disciplinary approach where appropriate;
* Ensuring that electronically held records, including case recordings, assessments, care and support plans and reviews are completed and/or updated in accordance with departmental policy and procedures;
Accessing Social Services
* Engaging in a structured conversation with those making initial enquiry of the service and evaluating any information given;
* Use an outcome focussed and strength based approach;
* Giving information, advice/and or sign- posting to other services;
* Ensure that information about advocacy services is provided.
* Apply thresholds to make a judgement on whether a referral is appropriate;
* Assessing urgency of response required to a referral;
* Assessing initial level of priority of a referral;
* Making initial enquiries, e.g. other agencies, contacts;
* Accurately and fully recording referral information in accordance with departmental procedures;
* Ensuring the timely transfer of referral information in accordance with departmental procedures and time scales ;
* Safeguarding the wellbeing of a child or adults at risk of immediate harm.
* Evaluating the nature of possible needs based on referral information and any previous records;
* Undertake assessments in line with current legislation;
* Identify and manage risk;
* Making enquiries, e.g. inter-agency contact;
* Making arrangements for an appointment and/or visit for assessment;
* Engaging in direct work with children, adults and carer/s to carry out a proportionate assessment;
* Working with children, adults and carers, social workers seek to enhance their problem solving capabilities in a way that support maximum independence and choice;
* Considering with children/ young people and adults, individual's and carers, options to best meet the outcomes identified and assist in making informed decisions;
* Seeking to maximise the financial and material resources available to service users from all possible sources;
* Collating the findings of the assessment and completing assessment documentation in accordance with statutory guidance, legislation and departmental procedures and time-scales;
* Preparing court and other specialist reports in the required standard and format;
* Ensuring that case file recording is completed in accordance with departmental procedures and policy;
* Ensuring that electronically held records are completed and/or updated in accordance with departmental policy and procedures;
* Convening and/or attending inter-agency meetings/liaison, e.g. Child or Adult Protection Conferences, CLA Reviews and strategy meetings;
* Negotiating, arranging and confirming resources with service providers to meet outcomes;
Planning and Managing Care & Support
* Plan & manage care and support in line with current legislation;
* Promote the empowerment of children, adults and carer/s through agreeing desired outcomes that promote independence;
* Agreeing a range of solutions to meet the identified outcome with children, adults and carer/s;
* Obtaining appropriate management authorisation prior to the commencement of care and support plans;
* Negotiating, co-ordinating and confirming resources with service providers to meet outcomes;
* Recording and disseminating care and support plan in accordance with statutory requirements, legislation and departmental procedures;
* Completing commissioning/contracting documentation in accordance with departmental policy and timescales;
* Convening and/or attending inter-agency meetings/liaison, e.g. Child or Adult Protection Conferences, CLA Reviews, Best Interest meetings and planning meetings;
* Identifying the risk of abuse, failure to protect, harm to self or others and assess the need for intervention in such situations;
* Participating in statutory processes to promote and protect the well-being of vulnerable children and/or adults including investigation where appropriate;
* To contribute operational knowledge and expertise to the process of service review and development as well as developing local implementation strategies for new legislation, guidance and advice.
Monitoring and Reviewing Provision
* Arranging and co-ordinating review of the care and support plan or care and treatment plan;
* Engaging directly with children/adults/families/carers in the review of the care and support plan or care and treatment plan and agreeing changes where necessary;
* Negotiating and agreeing changes to plan with providers and other agencies involved;
* Completing review documentation in accordance with legislation and departmental policy and timescales;
* Ensuring that children, adults and families are aware of the complaints procedures and advocacy services.
Managing Workload
* Timely administration of all aspects of caseload
* Preparing and engaging in professional supervision with line manager;
* Use supervision to critically reflect upon own practice and performance.
* Establishing and maintaining good working relationships with colleagues;
* Completing appropriate documentation, e.g. agenda/minutes of supervision
* Professional Social Work qualification i.e. MA/Degree in Social Work or recognised predecessor equivalent e.g. CQSW, DipSW, CSS.
* A knowledge of equal opportunities / anti oppressive practice.
* Knowledge and understanding of the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014.
* Knowledge of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010
* Knowledge and understanding of the adult and /or childrens safeguarding procedures in Wales.
* Childrens Services posts: A sound understanding of the Law relating to children and families.
* An understanding of child and adolescent development.
* Adult Social Work posts: Knowledge and understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and the Mental Health Act.
* Knowledge and understanding of the united nations principles for older and disabled peoples.
* Welsh Language Level 1 - All employees will be required to undertake a basic Welsh Language Induction to reach this level.
Welsh Language Level 2 to Level 5. For details on the levels please refer to The Welsh Language Skills Guidelines, which can be found in the Welsh Services section of the RCT Council Website.