Salary Details: Scale MG1 - UP1 (£32,304 - £46,431 pro rata)
Opportunity to progress onto a further scale
UP2-UP3 (£48,153 - £49,934 pro rata)
Contract Type: Permanent – Salaried
Hours of work: 0.8 FTE (835 annual teaching hours pro-rata
Holiday Entitlement: 46 days Annual Leave plus 8 Bank Holidays & College closure days pro rata
You will be qualified at Degree level Mathematics or another relevant degree
You will also hold a recognised Teaching Qualification (e.g. PGCE/PCE or other teaching equivalent)
A proven track record of teaching at Mathematics
Experience of providing excellent learner support and implementing learner tracking and monitoring systems
A good understanding of internal and external quality assurance processes
You will have a proven track record of teaching Mathematics, demonstrating your ability to deliver high quality instruction. You will have experience in providing excellent learner support, alongside implementing effective tracking and monitoring systems to enhance student progress. A strong understanding of both internal and external quality assurance processes is essential, ensuring adherence to academic standards. Additionally, you must have excellent communication and teamwork skills, both oral and written, with strong interpersonal skills to collaborate effectively with colleagues and support student development.
Closing Date: Midnight, Sunday 30 th March 2025
Manylion Cyflog: Graddfa MG1 - UP1 (£32,304 - £46,431 pro rata)
Cyfle i symud ymlaen i raddfa uwch
UP2-UP3 (£48,153 - £49,934 pro rata)
Math o Gontract: Parhaol - Cyflogedig
Oriau gwaith: 0.8 FTE (835 o oriau dysgu blynyddol pro-rata)
Hawliau Gwyliau: 46 diwrnod o Wyliau Blynyddol yn ogystal a 8 Gwyl Banc a Dyddiau Cau Coleg Pro rata
Wedi cymhwyso ar lefel Gradd neu gyfwerth yn y ddisgyblaeth briodol;
Meddu ar Gymhwyster Addysgu cydnabyddedig (e.e. TAR neu gyfwerth addysgu arall).
Hanes profedig o addysgu Mathemateg
Profiad o ddarparu cymorth rhagorol i ddysgwyr a rhoi systemau olrhain a monitro dysgwyr ar waith
Dealltwriaeth dda o brosesau sicrhau ansawdd mewnol ac allanol
Bydd gennych hanes profedig o addysgu Mathemateg, gan ddangos eich gallu i gyflwyno hyfforddiant o ansawdd uchel. Bydd gennych brofiad o ddarparu cymorth rhagorol i ddysgwyr, ochr yn ochr â gweithredu systemau olrhain a monitro effeithiol i wella cynnydd myfyrwyr. Mae dealltwriaeth gref o brosesau sicrhau ansawdd mewnol ac allanol yn hanfodol, gan sicrhau ymlyniad at safonau academaidd. Yn ogystal, rhaid bod gennych sgiliau cyfathrebu a gwaith tîm rhagorol, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig, gyda sgiliau rhyngbersonol cryf i gydweithio'n effeithiol â chydweithwyr a chefnogi datblygiad myfyrwyr.
Dyddiad Cau: Canol Nos, Dydd Sul 30ain Mawrth 2025