PERSON SPECIFICATION NOTES TO JOB APPLICANTS You must clearly demonstrate on your application form under each question, how, and to what extent you meet the required criteria as failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted. You should clearly demonstrate this for both the essential and desirable criteria, where relevant. You must demonstrate how you meet the criteria by the closing date for applications, unless the criteria state otherwise. The stage in the process when the criteria will be measured is outlined in the table below. Shortlisting will be carried out on the basis of the essential criteria set out in Section 1 below, using the information provided by you on your application form. Please note that the Selection Panel reserves the right to shortlist only those applicants that it believes most strongly meet the criteria for the role. In the event of an excessive number of applications, the Selection Panel also reserves the right to apply any desirable criteria as outlined in Section 3 at shortlisting, in which case these will be applied in the order listed. It is important therefore that you also clearly demonstrate on your application form how you meet any desirable criteria. SECTION 1 - ESSENTIAL CRITERIA The following are essential criteria which will initially be measured at the shortlisting stage and which may also be further explored during the interview/selection stage. You should therefore make it clear on your application form how, and to what extent you meet these criteria. Failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted. Factor Essential Criteria Method of Assessment Qualifications GCSE qualifications (Grades A-C) to include English Language and Mathematics, or equivalent or higher level qualifications Shortlisting by Application Form Experience Experience of administration and or student supervision. Shortlisting by Application Form Knowledge Demonstrable evidence of knowledge of: The requirements of a Sixth Form Study Supervisor General administrative processes and records Shortlisting by Application Form SECTION 2 - ESSENTIAL CRITERIA The following are additional essential criteria which will be measured during the interview/selection stage. Factor Essential Criteria Method of Assessment Skills / Abilities Proven effective planning and organisational skills and an ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines Ability to work effectively as part of a team to achieve outcomes Evidence of sound interpersonal and communication skills Evidence of proficiency in the use of computer packages, to include use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook Interview Values Orientation Evidence of how your experience and approach to work reflect the school’s values/ethos. You will find information about the school’s values/ethos on our school website Interview SECTION 3 - DESIRABLE CRITERIA Some or all of the desirable criteria may be applied by the Selection Panel in order to determine a manageable pool of candidates. Desirable criteria will be applied in the order listed. You should make it clear on your application form how, and to what extent you meet the desirable criteria, as failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted. Factor Desirable Criteria Method of Assessment Experience A minimum of one year's experience of working in a school environment. Shortlisting by Application Form DISCLOSURE OF CRIMINAL BACKGROUND The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 defines working directly with children or young people or in specified places as ‘regulated activity’. In the event that you are recommended for appointed to a post that involves ‘regulated activity’, the Education Authority will be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure of Criminal Background. Please note that you WILL be expected to meet the cost of an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate. Details of how to make payment will be sent to you at the pre-employment stage. Further information can be accessed at NI Direct or the Department of Justice. APPLICANT GUIDANCE NOTES To view the applicant guidance notes, please click here. JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: Sixth Form Study Supervisor REPORTS TO: The School Principal/Designated Line Manager JOB PURPOSE To supervise the sixth form area and ensure conditions are conductive to study. Main Duties and Responsibilities Pupil Supervision. Supervise senior pupils during their study periods and examinations as required and maintain a quiet academic environment in the school study/library. Maintain and advise on mechanisms to improve the study environment for the pupils. Communicate with appropriate teaching staff regarding behaviour of pupils. Inform appropriate teaching staff of absenteeism of pupils from study periods without permission. Ensure pupils maintain a tidy work environment and report any damage. Administration Operate manual and/or computerised information systems in connection with pupils. Complete and submit all returns/records as required. Maintain stock of reference books in sixth form studies. Assist in school administration, as required. Other Duties Participate in any relevant training as required. Implement all school policies and procedures. Such other duties as may be assigned within the level of the post. This job description will be subject to review in light of changing circumstances and is not intended to be rigid and inflexible but should be regarded as providing guidelines within which the individual works. Other duties of a similar nature and appropriate to the grade may be assigned from time to time. In accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), the post-holder is expected to promote good relations, equality of opportunity and pay due regard for equality legislation at all times.