Title: Design Verification Engineer (ASIC)
Specific focus: Presilicon verification rather than post-silicon verification
Location: Remote Working
Duration: 6 months + Rolling
Budget: £70 - £80 per hour, all inclusive
Overview: We are looking for a highly experienced Design Verification Engineer with specialized expertise in System-on-Chip (SoC) verification within the ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) development process. Candidates must have proven experience in ASIC presilicon verification and be able to ramp up quickly on projects with minimal training or onboarding.
What we Do Not Want:
* C programmers for post-silicon verification or Embedded systems development.
* Candidates focused on general C programming without specialization in semiconductor verification.
Key Points:
Primary Skills:
* Strong expertise in C-based verification.
* Specific experience with ARM processors at the System SoC level.
* Candidates must be adept in C-based verification practices (not just familiarity).
Additional Context:
* The work involves semiconductor verification design. This means working on verifying the design of chips before they are fabricated (presilicon stage).
Experience Level:
* Engineers with 10 or more years of experience in the relevant field.