To attend and be the Integrated Commissioning Committees primary source of clinical advice. To attend appropriate partnership bodies. To contribute to the development and implementation of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. To be a member of the Dudley Primary Care Collaborative and support the development and implementation of its work plan. To be one of the Dudley Primary Care Collaboratives representatives on the Health and Care Partnership Board. To ensure effective links with the Black Country Primary Care Collaborative. To ensure effective links with other clinical leads across the Black Country. To facilitate effective joint working and clinical pathways with secondary care through the Primary/Secondary Care Interface Group. To facilitate clinical engagement and education events with other clinical colleagues. To support the local ICB team to enable work programmes to be informed by the best available clinical advice. To allocate responsibilities to other clinical leads, set their objectives and monitor their performance. To provide clinical oversight of the Dudley Quality and Outcomes Framework for Health (DQOFH). To promote partnership working with all stakeholders including patients and the public, health and care providers, the Council, and the voluntary and community sector. To support effective communication and engagement with and feedback from PCNs.