This post will be a new appointment to support the General Surgery directorate with benign Upper GI Surgery. The Upper GI team currently consists of 14 surgeons: 4 surgeons with an interest both benign and malignant conditions of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract, 4 surgeons with interest in benign and malignant conditions of the oesophagus and stomach, 5 surgeons with an interest in bariatric surgery and 1 surgeon with an interest in non-bariatric benign surgery. The new consultant post aims to work alongside the Upper GI team to help to deliver Upper GI Benign surgery via both the emergency portal and elective pathway as well as opportunity to support the endoscopy service at UHNM. The post holder will provide support to the Upper GI Department which may include elective lists comprising gall bladder surgery, hiatus hernia surgery, groin hernia surgery, complex incisional hernia surgery and advanced endoscopy. The post holder will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of services and will share with consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management. Subject to the conditions of the Terms and Conditions of Service, they will be expected to observe the Trusts agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters, and to follow the standing orders and financial instructions of the Trust. In particular, where there is a responsibility to manage employees of the Trust, there will be an expectation to follow the local and national employment and personnel policies and procedures and expected to make sure that there are adequate arrangements for hospital staff involved in the care of the patients to be contactable when necessary. The post holder will participate in the acute on call rota which consists of an Upper GI surgeon and colorectal surgeon on call simultaneously every day with each alternating to receive acute surgical patients. The post holder will have a responsibility for the work and supervision of junior medical staff who they work with and will devote time to this activity on a regular basis. If appropriate, the post holder will be named in the contracts of doctors in training grades as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as the initial source of advice to such doctors on their careers. The main duties of the job will include, but not be restricted to; Diagnosis and treatment of patients. Continuing clinical responsibility for the patients in your charge allowing for all proper delegation to and training of your staff. Diagnosis and treatment of patients occupying accommodation made available under section 58, 65, and 66 of the National Health Act 1977, in so far as such patients have not made private arrangements for such treatment under section 65(2) of the Act. To have responsibility for a commitment to maintaining a high quality service to patients by continual development of practice in the light of research evidence and by audit based against clinical relevant standards. In addition individual staff have a major role in suggesting and implementing improvement to services and in exercising professional responsibility for both themselves and their peers within an open no blame culture. The post holder will participate in the acute on call rota which consists of an Upper GI surgeon and colorectal surgeon on call simultaneously every day with each alternating to receive acute surgical patients. The on-call is on a 3 day or 4 day basis as Surgeon of the week (SOW), followed by 4 or 3 days respectively to manage your take patients. The General Surgery Department is accredited for Higher Surgical Training and undergraduate teaching. This is the main teaching hospital for medical students from Keele University and appropriate responsibilities on teaching/training are expected. The post-holder will be expected to partake in training of all medical and other staff as well as undergraduates to ensure trainees have a good training experience. Contribute fully to national, local and regional audits, where relevant, to ensure that the delivery of clinical care is aligned to best practice. Work constructively within the Clinical Governance framework of the Trust. To take every reasonable opportunity to maintain and improve your professional knowledge and competence To participate in personal objective setting and review, including the creation of a personal development plan and the Trusts appraisal process.