MAIN DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES1. Provide clinical advice, guidance and support for staff.2. Support staff through the revalidation process, ensuring sufficient, CPD is undertaken,reflection against the Code takes place, feedback is received from service users andthat the portfolio is confirmed as accurate.3. Contribute to the review of policies, procedures and setting of standards.4. Ensure that all staff are aware of and adhere to all trust policies and procedures.5. Report and investigate clinical incidents and accidents in accordance with trust policy.6. Collect statistical information and carry out audits as required in relation to all aspects ofeducation i.e. educational audit.7. Participate in the provision of orientation and induction programmes for all new staf8. Develop staff to undertake extended roles within their scope of professional practiceensuring competency is achieved.9. Participate in the development of multi-disciplinary clinical protocols, policies,procedures, that reflect the nursing/midwifery strategies i.e. NSF, NICE10.Ensure professional nursing standards are maintained in accordance with NMC Codeof Professional Conduct.11.Comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act and be aware of its implications.12.To participate in, and support research trials, clinical audit and practice development See attached JD for full details.