Do you want career progression? Do you have fantastic engagement and risk assessment skills? Are you a social worker, nurse or OT? Apply for our CAMHS Crisis Team.
We are seeking to recruit staff with a professional registration (Nursing, Social Work, Occupational Therapy) to work within an exciting new service development within Pennine Care. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about working with children and young people and working innovatively across pathways and traditional boundaries to ensure that young people get the right care, from the right clinician/team, at the right time and in the right place in order to improve their outcomes and the families/carers experience of mental health support.
This is an exciting opportunity for practitioners to work as a Band 6 Mental Health Practitioner offering assessment, support, signposting and brief therapeutic intervention where appropriate to young people who required crisis support within our CYP crisis teams which includeHome Treatment, Rapid Response and Enhanced Rapid Response-paediatric liaison within the Pennine Care footprint.
Pennine Care is currently engaged in a number of transformation schemes across the footprint. In line with the NHS Long Term Plan our CAMHS Care Hub has done extensive work around developing an exciting new Acute Care Pathway for children experiencing a crisis in their mental health. The aim within this pathway is to ensure that at the time of a young person experiencing a crisis our services can respond in the right way and at the right time with the right support to try and keep young people out of hospital and care for them in the community so they are able to experience the least amount of disruption to their lives and the lives of their families/carers. The other aspect of care and support within this pathway is to ensure that in situations where young people have been admitted to hospital that we are supporting them to be discharged in the safest and quickest way possible with the right resources in place in the community to prevent readmission.
The Acute Care Pathway Service Line is made up of 6 diverse teams offering different aspects of the care and treatment young people need from enhanced community crisis services such as Rapid Response Teams and Home Based Treatment Teams, assessment based services to ensure the young person is on the right pathway such as Greater Manchester Assessment Centre and Enhanced Rapid Response Paediatric Liaison Teams and at the other end specialists services such as Inpatient CAMHS settings and Community Eating Disorder Teams.
Your Development and Career with us
Within Pennine Care we are committed to the development of our staff. We have many great training opportunities to continue to develop your career within the Acute Care Pathway including:
• AMBIT (Adaptive Mentalization Based Integrative Treatment)
• Social Work and Nurse Apprenticeship
• DBT skills workshops
• STORM Skills Training (Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Mitigation)
• Risk formulation Training
Our services are being designed to work flexibly around the needs of the young person and as such this also allows us to extend the offer of flexibility in working across the pathway to our staff. This allows staff to be able to get a diverse profile of learning in many different environments allowing you to use and develop a whole range of skills in working with young people in a number of different settings.
Please see attached job description and person specification to support your application for this post. Please refer to the essential criteria in the person specification which will highlight the skills, knowledge and experience you will need to demonstrate in your application, by way of example, to give yourself the best opportunity to be shortlisted.
This advert closes on Tuesday 1 Apr 2025