The post holder provides management support to the CSU or a component part of the CSU. He/she will have responsibility for the performance of administrative and clerical staff and will ensure that services are delivered within budget to agreed quality standards and in accordance with agreed activity levels. The post holder will also work with members of their CSU and other senior managers in the strategic development of the services provided by the CSU. This will include strategic and operational business planning and monitoring, and the development of relationships with key internal and external partners. The post holder will ensure the CSU and Wharfedale Hospital (WDH) functions as an integral part of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and that CSU and Trust-wide objectives are achieved simultaneously. Day-to-Day responsibility for the WDH site management Devolved responsibility for both pay and non-pay budgets in the CSU Responsible for staff who may work Trust-wide across several disciplines and clinical specialties Assist in the performance management of the CSU Line manage administrative, clerical and secretarial staff within the CSU, and take management responsibility for their personal development and performance review Responsible for the procurement of medical and scientific capital equipment Assist in the operational aspects of major service and capital planning Contribute to developing and sustaining capacity and capability in the CSU Lead specific project work on behalf of the General Manager Deputise for the Deputy and General Manager, as directed 3. ORGANISATIONAL CHART 4. PRINCIPAL DUTIES & AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Take ownership and responsibility for the daily management for WDH. Be the key contact for the operational relationship between the CSU and BAM as the service contract owner for the WDH site Actively assists in the development and management of the CSU Cost Improvement Programme to ensure financial balance involving the analysis of both pay and non-pay budgets to identify recurrent savings Makes judgements involving complex facts or situations requiring analysis, interpretation and the comparison of a range of options resulting in differing expert opinions and conflict; e.g. managing clinical risks; agreeing strategies to meet patient access targets, changing working practices Contributes to the service development agenda by identifying and assessing strategic options e.g. service redesign; capacity and demand management; financial planning and quality improvement. Presents proposals to the General Manager to input to the broader strategic debate within the Trust. Understands the whole systems impact liaising with external partners as appropriate Leads the development, monitoring and delivery of business and service plans and processes towards Trust and National policies and targets Manages the integration of a variety of resources to deliver targets/patient pathways the majority of which are ongoing Assists in the development of and monitors activity plans for the CSU, making adjustments as necessary Leads the development of business cases whether for changes to service, new equipment or new posts which impact across the whole organisation Ensures administration processes support efficient patient pathways Participates in the CSU involvement of patients and representative groups in service planning and development. Works in partnership with CSU colleagues and other CSU Teams and external agencies to ensure high quality patient care is delivered within Trust frameworks the Trusts short to medium term objectives are delivered Leads and motivates staff in the delivery of quality patient care across complex clinical and business environments and services Identifies and leads projects to modernise and improve service delivery and patient access Participates appropriately in the investigation of complaints On behalf of the General Manager, leads specific project work within the CSU and on cross-CSU issues Manages waiting lists, leading change where necessary to ensure targets are met Ensures that all patient and service related policies, including modernisation strategies such as booking and partial booking are implemented Assist with policy development across the organisation relevant to local area e.g. MAJAX, Winter Plan, National Service Frameworks Ensures the local implementation of Trust policies and procedures e.g. People and Corporate Governance, Health and Safety Assists the General Manager in the development and monitoring of Service Level Agreements for services provided by or to other CSUs Manages agreed budgets to ensure the efficient and effective use of such resources and the achievement of all financial targets Recruits and line-manages administrative and clerical staff across the CSU. Provides leadership of these staff and ensures appropriate arrangements are in place to set objectives, monitor performance, agree and review development needs and ensure staff understand and can achieve the required results Assists in disciplinary and grievance matters Identifies information needs of the CSU and ensures the accuracy and use of information related to patient processes Produces reports and proposals, including spreadsheets, some of which are complex and involve bids for additional funding from Commissioners Supports the General Manager in the interface with commissioners Contributes to Trust wide activities (e.g. Improving Working Lives, External Quality Accreditation, Information Systems Development, Bed Management etc) taking a lead responsibility for selected pieces of work Deputises for the General Manager, as directed Undertakes audit work to facilitate service improvement and collates and presents research results 5. THE LEEDS WAY VALUES Our values are part of what make us different from other trusts, so we see this as a strength, as well as a responsibility. They have been developed by our staff and set out what they see as important to how we work. Our five values are: Patient-centerd Collaborative Fair Accountable Empowered All our actions and endeavours will be guided and evaluated through these values. 6. WEST YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF ACUTE TRUSTS (WYAAT) Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is part of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT), a collaborative of the NHS hospital trusts from across West Yorkshire and Harrogate working together to provide the best possible care for our patients. By bringing together the wide range of skills and expertise across West Yorkshire and Harrogate we are working differently, innovating and driving forward change to deliver the highest quality care. By working for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust this is your opportunity to be a part of that change. WYAAT is the acute sector arm of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, one of the largest integrated care systems in the country. The Partnerships ambition is for everyone to have the best possible health and wellbeing, and the work of WYAAT, and each individual trust, supports that ambition. 7. INFECTION CONTROL The jobholder must comply at all times with the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Infection Control policies, in particular by practising Universal Infection Control Precautions. Hand hygiene must be performed before and after contact with patients and their environment. 8. HEALTH AND SAFETY / RISK MANAGEMENT All staff are responsible for working with their colleagues to maintain and improve the quality of services provided to our patients and other service users. This includes complying at all times with the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Policies, including Health and Safety policies, in particular by following agreed security and safer working procedures, and reporting incidents using the Trust Incident Reporting system 9. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY The jobholder must comply with all policies and procedures designed to ensure equality of employment and that services are delivered in ways that meet the individual needs of patients and their families. No person whether they are staff, patient or visitor should receive less favourable treatment because of their gender, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion etc. 10. TRAINING AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The jobholder must take responsibility in agreement with his/her line manager for his/her own personal development by ensuring that Continuous Professional Development remains a priority. The jobholder will undertake all mandatory training required for the role. 11. COMMUNICATION & WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Agrees and co-ordinates actions with other CSUs to ensure co-operative working, eg the interdependencies between bed holding CSUs and clinical support services. Conveys multi-stranded business cases and develops departmental business plan Agree and co-ordinates actions with BAM to ensure co-operative working between BAM and the CSUs operating our of WDH. Working with other senior managers, uses influencing and collaboration skills in service planning Communicates effectively in electronic format to convey team performance and presents at performance review Uses interpersonal, organisational and communication skills to manage business and administration staff Develops successful working relationships with external customers and effective service level agreements Develops excellent working relationships with internal colleagues and is proactive in developing links with other CSUs and departments to foster understanding and good practice Please see Attached for full details of JD.