HampshireHospitalsFoundationTrustconsiderstheClinical Endoscopist roleasakeystone to the optimal care of our endoscopypatients and to the success of our Trust. This developmental 7 to 8a advance clinical role therefore has the authority required to deliver the responsibilities and accountabilities outlined in this job description.
Trainees completing the programme are expected to demonstrate a good level of competence in their chosen discipline, to be followed by in-house support. This blended learning programme takes 52 weeks for OGD and 78 weeks for colonoscopy combining clinical procedure development with simulation experiences for technical and non-technical skills, in addition to the completion of Joint Advisory Group (JAG) mandatory courses. Attendance at essential clinical contact is required for the Basic Skills Course and Simulation Days. The post holder will undertake upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy training in all 3 disciplines e.g. gastroscopy,flexiblesigmoidoscopyandcolonoscopywithin the Trust
As a progressive role, the employee will be assessed as independent competent Clinical endoscopist by their Clinical Supervisor in partnership with them gaining JAG (Joint Association of Gastroenterologist) and JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System) accreditation. This accreditation is assessed via the use of DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedure or Skills).
Upon completion of necessary training, the clinical endoscopist position will have a key role in assessing how nurse endoscopy practice can be developed in the endoscopy unit and in its implementation. The delivery of highquality, effective andcompassionate healthcaretothe patientsof Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trustisthemost importantobjectiveoftheorganisation.Therewillbeanagreedjobplandrawnupand whilstthenumberofsessionsallocatedtoaparticularactivitywillremainconstant,theactualtimetable may change from week to week to maintain flexibility within the Department and utilise resources efficiently. The post holder will be directly responsible for the efficient and effective provision of the clinical endoscopyserviceinconjunctionwithothermembersofthemultidisciplinaryteam.Theywillworkwith the MDT to ensure the development, management and delivery of a high quality general and specialist endoscopy service.
Salary for the employed individual will be indicated by the Agenda for Change Annex 21 arrangements for pay and banding of trainees.
Our vision is to provide outstanding care for every patient. Patient care is at the heart of what we do at our three sites: Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester and Andover War Memorial Hospital. Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides medical and surgical services to a population of approximately 600,000 people across Hampshire and parts of West Berkshire.
Our cultural ambition is to have a culture that places people at the heart of all we do, where we all belong, and where learning, improvement and excellence thrive.
We provide specialist services to people across the UK and internationally. We are one of only two centres in the UK treating pseudomyxoma peritonei (a rare form of abdominal cancer) and we are leaders in the field of tertiary liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
The trust employs more than 9,000 staff and has a turnover of over £500 million a year. As a Foundation Trust, we are directly accountable to our members through the governors. The Council of Governors represent the interests of their constituencies and influence the future plans of the Foundation Trust.
Happy to Talk Flexible Working - all requests for flexible and part time working will be considered.
Further information about the Trust and this role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification document attached.
This advert closes on Friday 4 Apr 2025