Interagency work
· Work to embed the Case Manager role into multi-agency responses to domestic abuse in the area.
· Effective understanding and implementation of institutional advocacy by pro- socially challenging partner agencies, acknowledging best practice and striving for change to benefit the individual, the service and the sector.
· Support other professionals in responding to service users in a way that is coterminous with the aims and ethos of the Drive Project.
· Working closing with other professionals to ensure that risk management and safeguarding duties are effectively met.
· Develop and maintain effective partnership working with statutory, private and voluntary agencies to address the issue of domestic abuse.
Represent the service at operational multi-agency meetings, feeding back initiatives and outcomes to the team and contribute to the evaluation of the quality of activities these services offer.
· Provide a single point of proactive and regular contact for a range of professionals involved in the case of the service user.
· Be flexible and willing to work in all types of environments.
Case management
· Comply with child protection and information sharing policies, ensuring that service users and colleagues understand and comply with the service’s safeguarding framework.
· Manage a case load focusing on high risk perpetrators of domestic abuse to provide an assertive, medium to long term service, based on thorough assessment and individual support planning that adopts the principles of both ‘Support (change) or/and Disrupt (continued offending) concept.
· Contribute to regular service reviews which include monitoring data, evaluations, intake and output policy, and practice and work load reviews for the whole service.
· Attend monthly case management meeting with the Service Manager .
· Attend clinical supervision.
· Take appropriate steps to protect where there is an imminent risk to another person.
Recording and administration
· Ensure that case files and records are accurate and complete, and are kept and in compliance with Data Protection Act requirements.
· To enter all the required information into the Drive project electronic case management system to enable tracking of service user change, multi-agency working and risk management.
· Weekly maintenance and accurate and secure audit trail of all relevant communication.
· Comply with the data protection and information sharing protocols that Drive has agreed to.
Direct work with service users
· Maintain a proactive response to service users, continuously providing positive options for behaviour change throughout the service users time in the Drive project
· Use combination of motivational work, relationship building and a broad range of therapeutic skills to engage service users to addressing their abusive behaviour
· Motivate and support service users to address the broad range of needs that may contribute to the risk that they pose to others or act as barrier for them in addressing that risk. e.g. housing, substance use etc.
· To ensure that service users understand that the community and Drive project will ensure that they are accountable for continued use of abuse and abusive behaviour towards others
· Ensure that there is a consistent delivery of services to the identified perpetrators of domestic abuse, including comprehensive risk assessment, support planning, referrals to other agencies and MARACs.
· Develop strategies that will disrupt the continued risk posed by service users
Undertake assessment of risk, needs and attitudes to inform the individual