To provide leadership in a Neuro-disability service sharing responsibility with the other consultants attached to the service. To line Manager and supervision for one associate specialist within the team including appraisals, discipline, allocation of work. To share specialist knowledge through training for the workforce in childrens services. To be responsible for organising and prioritising own and others workload in the day to day allocation of work. To have organisational knowledge relating to Trust protocols and procedures and adhere to them, particularly administration of medicine and moving and handling. To be responsible for providing accurate records of information required by the Trust for audit purposes. To ensure effective risk management at team level by accident/incident reporting, assessing and controlling risk and ensuring residual risks are added to the Trust register. To participate in, and contribute to the provision of high quality, resource effective, child centred clinical care and treatment, in accordance with the development and implementation of clinical governance, in a multidisciplinary environment. To provide leadership and educational support and take responsibility for the comprehensive community training programme for career paediatric trainees. To participate in Clinical Audit and governance programmes. To liaise with other agencies and departments such as Social Services, Education, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Primary Care organisations. To undertake outreach clinics and medicals at a special school for children with physical and emotional difficulties.